Can a spent .30-30 case be used as a snap cap?


New member
Question folks: I have a Marlin 336 .30-30. I have been told not to dry fire it because the firing pin can break. I was curious if I could use a spent casing as a make-shift snap cap.

Thanks in advance.


New member
Although this is something I don't worry about, I know of a way to make a snapcap. Just get an empty case and trim a pencil eraser so that it fits the primer pocket like a primer does. Epoxy it in place, and you have your snapcap.


New member
If it makes you feel better, yes. Once fired cases with a strike on the primer won't really cushion the firing pin blow as a snap cap would. That said, I don't own any snap caps. FWIW.

[Edited by Nukem on 02-14-2001 at 04:54 PM]

James K

Member In Memoriam
A pencil eraser for a snap cap may make the user feel good, but it does not have enough resistance to do a very good job. I recommend buying nylon bars and cutting to size. The resistance is much better and they last a long time.



New member
Zorro- I called my local shop and they didn't have them. I guess I could probably order them from Brownel's. I was just looking for something quick and dirty.

Do y'all know a good way to get the primer out of the pocket without screwing up the bottom of the case? I tried to find something to knock it out from inside but I couldn't find anything long enough or sturdy enough.

Nukem and RiverRider- You said that you don't use them. Is that because you are not worried about them breaking or because they are easy to replace if they do?

Thanks again folks.