Campus carry prospects dim for TX

Glenn E. Meyer

New member

Basically, they can't find a sponsor for the bill. The past players aren't interested or have flaws. Brady bunch are delighted that people are coming to their senses.

I would like to thank Gov. Perry for not using his powers to aid the past bill when he could. Instead, Coyote Killer and Mathematical Genius of our Time, used his powers on some other base pleasing crappola but avoided the more important issue of gun rights. The opposition from powerful interests was too much for the tough guy.

I have to say we did get the parking lot bill through. That was good.


New member
I'd agree with that prognosis. Texas has the rep of being a rough and ready, wild west state, and we happily trot that image out on a selective basis when it helps bring in the tourist dollars, but when cut right down to it, at the state level Texas is less gun-friendly than most other southern states.