Campaign for Nader!

Stephen Ewing

New member
For Heaven's sake, don't vote for Nader, of course, but when you've got one of those leftist nuts who absolutely refuses to vote for the good (or nearly good) guys, point out that if they had any integrity and really cared about the environment, they'd vote for the Green Party's nominee: Nader. Nader, unlike Gore, could be counted on to make the federal government toe the line. Of course, we all associate him with consumer protection, which is another thing he's got on Gore.

After all, a vote for Nader is a vote for Bush, right? Why should Gore be the only one benefiting from addition by subtraction.

FTR, I am a beaten Libertarian who will be voting for the lesser evil. I simultaneously admire those who hold out, while urging them to vote for Bush before we're all screwed.



New member
Steve, a good idea may to wait before committing too soon. I suggest doing a lot of reading, not what politicos write, or say, but more toward the purpose of government and the purpose of the vote. Read what I posted on Washington's farewell address, titled "An excerpt". And is a good site.

I like Nader, he has done some good in politics, but I sure don't like the Green Party's platform. The platform starts off pretty good and about half way through it moves far away from me.
Much as I admire a LOT of Libertarian positions, a vote for ANYONE but George Bush is a vote for Al Gore. Haven't we learned anything from Ross Perot?

Gary L. Griffiths
Chief Instructor
Advanced Force Tactics, Inc.


New member
By all means, encourage any liberals to "go all the way" and support Nader! It can only serve to defeat Gore.


New member
Gary, I don't follow your reverse logic. Would you explain how a vote for one candidate elects another candidate? From my standpoint that seems impossible. I think a vote is only for a candidate, we cannot vote against one. Nor does it hold true what a voter would have done if they had not done what they did. No one knows, probably not even the voter.

An elected is and will be in office by the votes they get in the "for"column, "against" is not on the ballot for candidates is it?

Bam Bam

New member
that's a damn good idea. If Clinton got in because Ross split the right-wing vote then why not push Nader to siphon off votes from Gore? Very clever. I'll start putting up signs around the school for Nader hee hee ;)