Campaign Finance DEForm....

Justin Moore

New member

Incumbent Protection Bill Nearing Showdown
-- Time to send another volley towards Capitol Hill
Gun Owners of America
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102
Springfield, VA 22151
"Campaign finance reform is long overdue," said Michael D. Barnes, President of the Brady Campaign and a former Congressman from Maryland. "The passage of Shays-Meehan is a victory for democracy.... Perhaps now, the gun lobby's stranglehold on Congress will be broken."
-- U.S. Newswire, February 14, 2002

(Thursday, March 14, 2002) -- Look who's supporting the Incumbent Protection Bill these days. Sarah Brady's organization, formerly known as Handgun Control, Inc., recently hailed the passage of the anti-gun bill in the House.

Michael Barnes, the president of the Brady Campaign, basically admitted that his group can't compete with pro-Second Amendment organizations. So he wants to "level the playing field" by silencing the voice of his opponents.

"Even though [Shays-Meehan] will impact our election activities as well," Barnes says, the bill will reduce even more "the gun lobby's ability to obstruct the progress of sensible gun laws. Shays-Meehan will level the playing field so that our lawmakers are no longer beholden to special interest groups like the NRA."

Of course, it's not a level playing field that Barnes is after. Anti-gun groups like the Brady Campaign get more free publicity from the media than they could ever afford to buy. So Barnes knows good and well that by squelching the First Amendment freedoms of pro-gun organizations, his group will have a great advantage.

This is not a surprising attitude from a man who makes his living trying to restrict other freedoms -- such as the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms -- guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.

Barnes' attitude is somewhat reminiscent of the ole' Federalists, who passed the Sedition Act of 1798 as a means of punishing their opponents who were critical of the John Adams administration. Instead of giving the Federalists an advantage, however, the law enraged people so much that they went to the polls and defeated members of that party in the election of 1800. The act was one of the main things that drove the Federalist Party into extinction.

Ignoring the lessons of history, Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD) is committed to passing the bill that will muzzle the First Amendment rights of groups like Gun Owners of America. As a result, the Senate could begin voting on the Shays-Meehan bill by this Friday (tomorrow).

That's why it is so important that you contact your Senators right now. More than likely, you have already contacted them. Please contact them again. Urge your friends and family to contact their Senators as well.

CONTACT INFORMATION: You can call your Senators at 202-224-3121 or toll-free at 1-877-762-8762. To identify your Senators, as well as to send a message via e-mail, see the Legislative Action Center at on the GOA website.

Yahoo, I get the first post :D

This my friends, is a red level alert, make no mistake about it. Our ability to criticize anti-freedom pols will be curtailed if this bill passes. Then it will be in the hands of Dan Rather. Who here thinks he will live up to the challenge?

Calamity Jane

New member
I also urge everyone to call, write, fax, all of the above, as many times as it takes. And if this abomination actually makes it to President Bush's desk, here are the numbers to call the White House:

SWITCHBOARD: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461

This odious Orwellian legislation is one of the most blatant, egregious assaults on our freedoms that we have known in modern times. It seeks to make hamburger of our freedom of speech, to ensure the continuing power of corrupt incumbents, and to make Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, and their ilk the molders of public opinion.

Just Say NO.


New member
Justin & Calamity Jane, I haven't yet checked the counter to see how many have looked at this.... but I'm kind of appalled at the apathy.

Incumbents already have far too many advantages over fresh blood; this bloody awful bill will only stack the deck more in their favor.

Then there's the Free Speech issue- do people really not care if selected groups are muzzled? And others left alone?

There were 13,777 members here the last time I looked, and I can recall a time when there were only about 5,000- yet activism seemed to be the watchword.

What happened? Has The Firing Line gone mute?

Anyone who wants to "blast" Congressmen, Senators, newspapers, opinion makers, talk show hosts, etc., need only follow that link and find my reply ( yeah, I'm that obstreperous 'backhoe' character over there.... ) to find links and instructions to mass faxers, emailers, etc., and how to use Outlook Express to send mass emails to pile of people.

The Press loves this cr@p- it will increase their power exponetially- that's why they are cheerleading "reform."

Does anyone here like the press? Don't let these clowns get away with this!

Here's another link:

Follow it and scroll down to "Silence, America!"-- and click on that to see all articles that have been indexed to it.

Read the articles, and get activated, get energized, and get involved! Use the links & tools to spread the word to dozens of on-line letters to editors.

Justin Moore

New member
Guess they've all turned into:


New member
I'm sorry, but I don't see writing or calling any of my congresscritters an effective use of my time at this point. I have McGovern in the House, and Kennedy and Kerry in the Senate. The time it takes for me to write a letter to any of them that will fall on deaf ears is time that can be used to write something for my own campaign, to collect signatures to get me on the ballot, volunteer for statewide candidates, etc. I did, in fact, call all of my congresscritters about this. Kennedy's office didn't seem to care what I had to say, and I got the whole smile and nod thing from the other two but how do you think these guys voted? Not a single one of them rates higher than F- from GOA.


New member
IIRC, there was quite a bit of discussion about this before TFL went ka-bloie. (Unless it's something new--I'm sick so things aren't sticking in my head the way they should)

HUGE sign that it's a bad bill: When the NRA, Planned Parenthood, and ACLU all agree, you know it's a bad sign.

Kirk Keller

New member
I can't remember

... if I had submitted to my congresscritters on this issue or not. I'm pretty sure I did, but just in case, I did it again!

Better safe than sorry.



New member
I've called my senators many times on this. Unfortunately, my senators are Kohl and Feingold. Talk about spitting in the wind.

That said, a call to the White House is in order. Bush needs to let the public know just how unconstitutional and wretched this legislation is.

Calamity Jane

New member
That said, a call to the White House is in order. Bush needs to let the public know just how unconstitutional and wretched this legislation is.

Yes, especially now that sixty senators have voted to trash the First Amendment.,2933,48389,00.html

A truly sad day in American history. :mad: :(

We've gotta fight this thing by 1). calling the White House and urging President Bush to veto and 2). picking our favorite group planning to take this thing to SCOTUS and supporting 'em.

If anyone has any other good ideas, now's the time.

Calamity Jane

New member
"I am unable to accept the idea that I should be an obedient subject of a gang of corrupt, unprincipled thugs who pontificate about freedom while enslaving the population." – John Pugsley
What I was wondering was if public elections were completely paid for by the public (which I am against since you shouldn't have to pay for a candidate you don't support), then would every party get equal funds (Republicans, Libertarians, Green Party, Independents, Democrats, Reform, etc.) or would there be the the claim that one must obtain 15% support in the polls as they do for national debates?

I would say that third parties would most likely not obtain the same monies that the two parties would.

part swede

New member
I emailed my RINO senator over a month ago asking him to change his position on this, but he voted for it yesterday anyway, and I never received any letter from him in reply. Out with these guys in 02, 04, and 06.

The White House seems to have made the decision for Bush to sign it already, much to the satisfaction of the media elite.

Besides the odious 1st Amendment affronts, it is also contains ridiculous 14th Amendment equal protection violations. For example, an imcumbent faced with a wealthy opponent gets higher fundraising limits than others.
Given that the current Supreme Court made the correct decision in Bush v. Gore, I am sure that these elements of the bill will soon go on the ash heap of history.

Brett Bellmore

New member
Ok, that's it, he's announced that he's going to sign it:

"Shortly after the Senate voted, Mr. Bush ended any last ambiguity about where he stood on the bill that had been the signature issue of his main Republican primary opponent, Senator John McCain of Arizona.

"The reforms passed today, while flawed in some areas, still improve the current system over all, and I will sign them into law," Mr. Bush said in a statement tonight. He added that the law presented some "legitimate Constitutional questions" but did not comment on the legal challenge threatened by opponents."

We might as well start thinking about who the next President is going to be; Any moron stupid enough to sign this bill is a one termer for sure. He's flunked one of the most basic tests in politics: You please your friends, and shaft your enemies, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!!!!

I repeat, has anybody seen him and his dad in the same room recently? I swear he's just Bush senior with a face lift...


New member
If there weren't any incumbents, there wouldn't be any problem. Term limits need to be used no matter what form they take.


New member
This saddens me.

I emailed my senators 3 times each for all the good it didn't do.

Now NRA and GOA , as well as anyone else except for the government controlled media, will not be able to say anything about a canidiate for 60 days before an election.

The public will hwve no way of knowing weather a politician is
pro rights or anti rights.

There goes the neighborhood down the crapper!!!!
