Camp Perry or Bust!


New member
Well, wish me luck! I am headed to Camp Perry for my first match. We are shooting both the Vintage and the M1 Garand Match. Should be a great time. The weather is supposed to 80 Degrees and clear. Chance of rain Fri early morn.
Anybody got a advice or suggestions?

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New member
Get as prepared as you can be before you hit the line (clips loaded, sling adjusted, sights set and blackened, etc). Make sure you take pictures and have fun!

I do best when I dryfire for 10min or so before I drive out to the range--helps me work out the jitters.



New member
When I wa down there for the SAFS, I tried to sign up for the M1 and M16 match. They said when they cut off the waitlist for the M1 match, there was already 1700 people signed up, with range space for about 12-1300 :eek:

I'll be there next year, though, just gotta sign up earlier this time.


New member
There is information on the CMP website that they have expanded the range to bu used for M1 match and emptied the waitlist.
The site indicates there actually open slots as of 1 AUG 05. Give them a call!

Yep, the guns are all ready to go. I have marked the appropriate holes on the sling for making a quick change from Offhand to Prone. Can't load the clips in advance as I don't the the ammo yet.
Touched off a few final rounds yesterday and had them all in the black.
I don't expect to win. Just going for the experience and the comaraderie(sp?).
I think it will almost be like getting back in the Army!



New member
Yeah, they had that listed like that before I asked. I asked the lady in the CMP office on base, and she said it was still full.

Maybe I'll give them a call.


New member
Our first Camp Perry experience is complete and it was a good time. Pulled Pit duty first. Definately the way to go. Get out of the pits before it gets too hot! It was an interesting experience to have live rounds snapping over your head! C couple of Sand showers from low rounds gets your attention. We gave good service and I wish we would have gotten the same in return. It seemed like they were slow. Probably just the different perspective of being behind the sights verses in the pit.
I had a techinical difficulty in each match, both shooter generated so I can't blame anybody but myself. Got the correct position for the magazine cut off confused on during the Springfield Match and ran out of time so I left 2 in the gun. It hurts to leave 20 points on the ground!
PMCS got me on the Garand match as my Gas plug was working itself loose, thereby losing up the front sight. I guess that was John C's way of letting us know that you must take care of your weapon!
We learned alot and are already planning for next year. I think we will add the M16 EIC match.
We are definately going to build better carts. The kids little Red wagon was just barely adequate, although it draw a few good comments
Met some great people, found an excellent campground, and managed not to spend too much money on things I really didn't need.
Congratulationst o my partner who medaled both days!

Hats off to the CMP folks who did an excellent job of keeping the match moving in an orderly fashion. It has got to be like herding cats.
Listening to the Rattle battle rage on over on the next range over got our attention too. Maybe we'll pursue that too!


New member
managed not to spend too much money on things I really didn't need.

Then you aren't trying hard enough.

I'll be there next year, gonna get my registration in well before things start this time.


New member
Carp, How'd you score? I shot a 238- 1x in the Springfield match and a 243-2x in the Garand. Shot both matches were shot with my 03a3. Left a bunch of money on vendors row too


New member
253 4 in the springfield, 216-? with the loose front sight in the Garand. Lots of room for improvement! I am going to have to find some warm up matches to get the bugs worked out.
I never did buy anything on vendors row. In retrospect I should have bought one of non-vented gas plugs. I understand they don't loose or leak nearly as bad as the Cross slotted ones.
I am a little suprised this thread didn't get more action. I would have thougt that as many shooter as there were at Camp Perry I would have gotten a few more responses and hits.


Minimum or no caffeine the day of the match until you're done shooting.
Keep your sugar intake moderate but don't let yourself get hungry on the line.
Be sure you don't need to "go" before it's your turn to shoot.
Pay attention to your natural point of aim.
Think about the each thing you're doing while you set up and shoot--it will help you concentrate on shooting and not on your surroundings.

Have fun.
Tell us about it when you get back.

Tim R

New member
I bet there isn't a demorat a mile around Camp Perry....just kidding of course. Everyone has to try it once in their life. Maybe I'll go next year for my second trip. Some shooting buddies are thinking of going.