Came home with a new toy...


New member
You have a good eye !!

I know it's hard to see, but that is a great find and that "orphan" is finally going to a good home. .... ;)

Be Safe !!!


New member
Congrats Doc - I'd have done the same thing. For that price, you're going to get a lot of enjoyment out of it even if you just hang it on the wall and look at it and think about the history behind it. I think it's a great find! :)


New member
Doc, that's an unbelievable price for such a great rifle! I have to be of the opinion as some of the other posters, you gotta shoot it. Against my better judgement, I fired a family heirloom early 1800's vintage W. Virginia rifle, and was glad I did!

Doc Hoy

New member
I am afraid this will always be a non-shooter

The hammer will not go to full cock. I am thinking there are some internal problems and I am reluctant to take it apart to fix them.

As it is, there may be some collector value and I am not smart enough about relics to know what I can do and what I should leave alone.

I might just put it on the Gunbroker and hope to get enough for it to make a dent in a shootable .45-70. I have been in the market for a Sharps and a Rolling block Remington.

But Bedbug is right. I'd have to get a lot for it to make up for the fun of just having it.


New member
That's pretty awesome! I'd have to make sure I had stared it many hours, until I could see it in my sleep before I'd think about selling it. Nice rifle! :D


New member
That's pretty awesome! I'd have to make sure I had stared it many hours, until I could see it in my sleep before I'd think about selling it. Nice rifle!

I'd be sleeping with it .:D


New member
Man oh Man what a find and what a price!!! Congrat's and it CAN be cleaned back up, trust me, I've worked on worse!!


New member
Great find at an excellent price! If it were mine I'd clean it up and get it functioning correctly again. I've brought similar looking rifles back into shooting condition and I think this one can definitely be saved.


New member
I wouldn't want to try and take it apart either but if the hammer won't go to full cock I would soak it with penetrating oil and work the hammer back and forth putting a little pressure on it as you are moving it.There may be some corrosion inside that will work free.

Doc Hoy

New member

I got it to go to full cock now but the hammer isn't catching the sear.

Looks like I better start looking for parts.

I may be trying to fix this bugger.


New member
a VERY good find Doc .
the issue you may have is that the full cock has enough rust in it that it wont hold OR the trigger bar may be jammed just high enough to hold it out of the full cock notch but not from the 1/2 cock

sooner or later your going to have to break her down ..
then she will tell you what she needs .

again great find

Doc Hoy

New member
As I said...

I put the thing on the Gunbroker as an experiment.

Don't really want to sell it but if someone comes along w/ the right price, everything is for sale.