Calling hogs.......?


New member
So the other day we're out in the swamp and I decided that because there was almost zero wind and the leaves were VERY noisy underfoot I'd, instead of trapsing about as usual, sit a spot for the last hour or so of light. After picking a place I set about pulling a few branches up around me and also cut a couple of palmetto fronds to stick in the ground.

Took all of a couple of minutes. Made a good bit of noise doing it and truth be it was not much of a blind, but then as we're after hogs it doesn't take as much as for deer.

So about as soon as I get settled in I see movement coming my way. It's a big old boar and he looks for all the world like he is LOOKING for the sourse of the noise. He's not feeding. He's not doing that quick trot that they do when traveling. He's not marking trees. All he's doing is looking about and sniffing.

I think he heard the noise and came to see if it was another boar, or maybe a sow.

This is the second time this season I've had the distinct feeling that a hog has come TO ME after I made noise that sounded like a animal scratchng about.

I know that this is a established deer hunting method, to beat about during the rut.

So now I've got the idea that it might work for hogs.......especially during the fall and early spring peaks of breading activity.

So what do you think?


New member
You may be onto something bswiv. Natural noise`s works for deer as well as many other animals. Especially during the rut. Why not a hog!

I wouldn`t let Mrs. bswiv know of your secret tactic's. She`ll be using you as hog-bait. :D


New member
That's how I hunt and it works. For the big Bucks try rattling them in sometime works every time for me....just be ready cause they come in fast if they hear it.


Staff In Memoriam
scrapperz, Boar not Buck...:D

bswiv, I have never had that particular luck.:eek: But it sounds plausible if not out right possible.

BTW, There is real productive predator caller and hog hunter that has worked with some mouth calls with some luck on hogs. His findings were that when they responded, they responded with aggression and full bore approach.
I found his "foxpro" photo gallery and will try asking if he will reveal the call he was trying. Back then he wouldn't... possibly a plan to market it?


New member

Because he said this
I know that this is a established deer hunting method, to beat about during the rut.

I said this
That's how I hunt and it works. For the big Bucks try rattling them in sometime works every time for me....just be ready cause they come in fast if they hear it.

Remember they are all animals and have very similar habits which can be figured out by man who is supposed to be smarter than animals....LOL.


New member
Called a buck with firewood...

I was chucking firewood into the back of an old Dodge Power Wagon from about 20 to 30 feet away (making a horrible racket) on the back forty, when I noticed a buck, not even 2o yards away, watching. Guess he was curious and I was stupefied. He ambled off when I stopped to look at him.


New member
Hogs and Deer will also come and check out an area that is freshly cut. I've had Deer come right into me while I was running the chain saw clearing an area.