Calling All Squirrel and Rabbit Hunters

Adventurer 2

New member
I live in a different state but will be in PA for awhile (through deer season) for work in the Valley Forge area. My out of state deer license includes small game. Squirrel season starts tomorrow, rabbit follows a week later.
I am looking for your tips on public hunting areas, hunting strategies, and information on any of the unusual hunting laws I might have missed - No semi-autos, no hunting on Sunday...
The weather just dropped below freezing the other night, there are still green leaves on the trees but they are changing and some have fallen.


New member
If your looking for public hunting areas try state parks and state game lands. PA has a lot of public land so finding a place to small game hunt should be easy.

there arent too many oddball hunting laws here in PA, like you said you cant use semi-autos or hunt on sundays. you can hunt crows on sundays. during the bear season and the muzzleloader deer seasons you can only use .22 rimfire guns to hunt small game.|


New member
Shooting birds "in range"

I used to LOVE to hunt Pheasant around here, be they've all but disapeared...

However I was watch a hunting show last night on TV, where they were hunting in N. Nakota, and seeing/shooting lots of birds.

Now, what got me was that they were taking what I would consider REALLY long shots on these birds, and often, when they picked up the bird, it was still flopping around.

So my question is, how far is a "reasonable shot" on Pheasant (or any other similar bird)? When we still had them around here, I wouldn't take a "wounding shot".... Any birds I took "folded up" and were DRT.

What's your experience with (upland) bird hunting.?

Sorry, meant to start a new thread.....
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