Calling all NCers please read and act!!


New member
We have two bills that are going in front of the House I Judiciary Comittee and we need to let our senators to know how we feel about them.
First is HB830- This bill will remove state and public parks from the list the prohobits all legal CCW holders from carrying a gun.

HB31- This is the one I have been waiting for. This bill will remove the restriction of restaraunts that serve alchohol. This should have never of been written in and now is our chance to get them removed!!

Another huge step for NC CCWers is the Castle Doctrine Bill. This is being brought to the senate floor uner bill # SB1251, I highly encourage every citizcen of NC to contact their representatives. If you don't know who they are contact Grass Roots of NC and they will give you email links to all of your representatitives. Also please join this organization as nobody is doing more for the gun rights of NCers, than GRNC. Please follow through with this we may never get another chance.


New member
NCHornet, perfect opportunity for every person on this forum to send letters or emails to your senators in NC. We need these people in authority to feel the pressure that everyone in the USA is looking at them every time they try to change thing's and this means even on the state level.