Calling all HK P7 owners/fans


New member
I recently found one in a local shop I got to check out in person. I didn't get a chance to shoot it because the g/f was anxious to leave and I promised I was just picking up a holster I ordered:(. It got me interested though and I hear these things praised everywhere and how awesome they shoot. Right now for my smaller CCW piece I carry a Kahr PM-9 that really has been flawless, but the rumor mill has me 2nd guessing its reliability which is not too comforting. My other carry gun is a USP and I have no doubt in HK performance so I considered a HK p7.

What I was wondering:

What are the difference in models such as P7 PSP, P7M8 ect?
What should I be looking to spend for a good "shooter" not a collector quality?
Is there anything else I should really know? I did try the squeeze cocker, and will admit its a little different, but that's nothing range time wont fix.


The squeeze cocker is a bit loud when you squeeze and it audibly clicks again when you relax your grip. Not what I would call a "quiet" gun at all.

The PSP doesnt have the heat shield that the P7's have. That shield is just above your finger near the trigger. That area gets HOT after more than a few rounds.

Scattergun Bob

New member

The P-7 family is a great choice for CCW carry. I am fortunate to have a couple of these fine firearms.

The difference in the firearms are about AMERICAN needs.

PSP is a european heal release, with out heat shield

P7-M8 / 13 is a change to trigger-guard mag releases.

The heat shield was an afterthought when the weapon became popular with US law enforcement. On the p7-m13 it is a good idea.

The gas system on the gun is odd for us, it is a hesitation lock system, it precludes you using lead bullets. This system need cleaning and there are 2 great tools to help with that chore.

My guns shoot flawless and very accurate. The issue of a forward grip cocking device is strange and does require thought.

It was the FIRST safety pistol!!!! I would expect to pay $700 to 800 for a good shooter. Magazines are many $$$$. PSP mags will not work in M-8 and visa versa!!!!

Stay with the 9mm the .40 was a failure!

Great guns, you will not be unhappy!!!!!

Good Luck & Be Safe


New member

Scattergun Bob pretty much nailed it. CDNN has maybe the best prices on P7s at $599. Finding a P7M8 is more hit or miss at a good price, but they can be had if you must have the mag release.

This video is the best I've seen in explaining the gun. The video is long and starts slow, but gets better as it goes along. Great guns, very reliable and compact.


New member
My two P7's are my main CCW carry. After trying numerous handguns these are what I choose. The blue one is a grade A, the other a grade B in Tactikote.



New member
I carry a P7 daily. Love it, and I have many, many carry pistols to choose from. A word of warning. If you're holding a BG at gunpoint with a P7 be sure you release the squeeze cocker prior to the cops arrival because the loud click may cause them to shoot you when they demand you drop your weapon.


New member
Oh, Puh-leeze!

People gripe and carry on about the noise made when releasing the squeeze cocking lever like it's the clap of doom. If you're reeeaaallly concerned about it, reach up into the little gap between the rear of the trigger guard and the top of the lever with your off hand's thumb or forefinger and press upwards against the little flat bar that lives in there. Voila! That will decock it with about as much noise as casually flicking a 1911 back on safe.

As for the negative comments about the .40 S&W P7M10, I expect it's primarily due to the slide dimensions, which prompts nicknames like "the Brick".


New member
It's accurate and a clever design, but it's not for everyone. If it's going to be your carry gun, it should probably be the only one you use, rather than rotating. I've been trying to standardize on 1911-style controls, so mine just sits in my safe (all alone, crying at night between fits of saying that I suck and that it hates me).


New member
I've bought and sold them before. It's a VERY cool gun. I must have needed money and chose them to let go(If that says anything). I do wish I still had one. I also think it's silly to worry about the noise of cocking and decocking. It's really not that bad. As far as confusing manual of arms, I've always had a problem with people saying that it's SO different that you can only carry that 1 pistol. It's such a dead simple thing to shoot. The amount of pressure you use to depress the grip is what you would use on pretty much any gun, it's just with the P7 you are doing it to cock it.
It's not a great range gun, cause it heats up pretty quick. Easy to work around if you bring other guns to shoot while it cools down.
Crazy accurate and you will be the coolest gear geek at the range.


New member
I have one but I won't be carrying it. First of all, it is an all steel gun that probably weighs twice as much as your PM9. The PM9 is smaller in length and height and probably close to the same thickness. The P7 is susceptible to rust and requires more maintenance than your Kahr. With the P7M8, you get 8 rounds of ammo which is 2 better than your PM9 with standard mags. Extra mags are cheaper and easier to come by so it isn't that big a deal in my opinion.

The whole heat build up issue is not important in a self defense situation since more gun fights end with just a few shots fired. Even then, the adrenaline would probably keep you from noticing. It only gets uncomfortably hot (P7M8, not PSP) after about 100 rounds. Maybe someone with a PSP could chime in on how it handles heat.

If you like the quirkiness, by all means buy it. It is a well built pistol that is very accurate and has an excellent trigger. I would stick to the Kahr for everyday carry though.
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Scattergun Bob

New member

You get 9 rounds in the P7-M8, M-8 is a reference to mag capacity. It does not suffer from rust any more or less than other steel guns, as in most revolvers!

Peter M. Eick

New member
I shoot PSP's and they can handle +P's very well. The guns are exceptionally strong and well made. I think the whole noise thing is no big deal. I don't go around cocking and uncocking mine a lot and it is my carry gun.

The key thing for me is the reliablity, safety of the design and its ease of shooting. The gun is a "natural pointer" for me.


New member
I carry one of the recent german Police Surplus ones from Lower Saxony State Police...And I have complete confidence in it...I love how accurate this
compact service pistol is. They managed to cram a full 4 inch, polygon rifled barrel into it..while the gas system keeps the slide small, and short from the chamber to the rear of the pistol allowing the extra barrel lenth...most conventional constructed pistols this size would have about a 3 1/4in barrel.

In carry, with 2 spare mags(basic German police ammo load) heat will never be a problem, period. Now plinking....50 shots in in 10 minutes will towards
the end make you wish you had on a pair of gloves. lol I went through a CCW class where the shooting part was like that...and that last couple of 5 shot strings were getting rather uncomfortable.

I regret now not having purchased one in 1985 when we first got to shoot one at a HK demo...price was the only thing that held me back.


New member

When my friends and I are out target "plinking" firing successive magazines in my P7 I would say it tends to start "warming up" after 5-6 mags.

Certainly NOT in 2-3 mags, and for a self defense pistol the potential for heat concerns is a non-starter.

I will say my P7's (I have three "A" grade CDNN LSP's) are the most accurate 9mm pistols I've ever owner, or even shot. I'm 65, and I've owned and shot a goodly number of 9mm pistols...

Heavy when compared to some other compact 9's? Sure.. Steel is heavier than plastic.. But with the HK P7 I never give a second thought to either amazing accuracy or 100% reliability... Both are always present in a P7. ;)

Just personal opinion.


