Call Congress!


New member
Hate to start a new thread, but Mykil closed his thread on the same topic, so here goes.

Things are changing very fast on this issue, and many of the undecideds on Mykil's list have now declared for or against impeachment. DON'T LET UP!! Some of these Congresscritters have switched on this before, and there's nothing except their honor(HA, there's a laugh) to make them keep their word this time, and you can bet your last box of BBs the other side is pulling out all the stops. If Klinton skates on this one he's going to be more arrogant and determined to make life miserable for gun owners than ever.

If you have never called your Congresscritter before, NOW'S THE TIME! Give it a try, it's cheap and easy, and you'll feel better too.

BTW, Mykil's letter is a masterpiece IMHO, but now the time is short, go for the phone call or e-mail so they will get it before the vote.


New member
Major Kudos to Mykil for his letter! I am lucky enough to live in a district where my represenative and both congressmen are all very anti-clinton. I'm glad I can count on them. But they still here from me often on various issues. I can almost here them saying "He's baaack!" It's nice to be noticed, shouldn't you be noticed too? ;)