Californians, stand by for inspection of your storage facilities.


New member

wow! The time is approaching when they are going to piss off the wrong individual with all of this revenue producing & harassing tactics of gun owners. They keep pushing closer to that line. This is what happens when children have too much free time on their hands! :mad:

Jay Baker

New member
I've posted this before, but ***,over? The communistnazis who now totally control Kalifornia, will fairly soon, outlaw the ownership of ALL firearms, in Kalifornia. Then, the Gestapo/KGB will ransack every home, apt. condo, building, office, warehouse, plane, boat, shack, shed, silo and barn, in the state.

Anyone who "makes a furtive move" toward his/her waistband, will by summarily shot dead, by the KGB/Gestapo police & military.

Think I'm wrong?? Study history and study Human Nature. History dictates the future. Human Nature NEVER, EVER, changes.



New member
Does this sound at all familiar ... ?

This is the same tactic the Brits used prior to confiscation. They required licensing; and then safe storage with government inspections at any time; and then they required only certain "government approved" safes be allowed; and then they made everyone buy an even more expensive "government approved" safe; and then they confiscated everyone's firearms.

Looks like the PRK is only two steps away, now. Registration, safe storage, and "government approved" locks are already the law.


New member
Bending over, standing by.

Having lived in California since birth, neither the stupidity nor the corruptness of our legislature surprises me anymore.

My daughter goes to college in six years and my wife and I are counting every day until we can retire to America.

They actually tried to "keep people in" by subjecting their California pensions to California taxes even if they moved out of state, but the US supremes outlawed it.

Before we leave, I'm liberating my replaceable guns by selling them to Californians who can't buy them new anymore.

Regards to all.

The Terminator

New member
It is time to put up or shut up for Californians. I hate to get on a tirade of killing folks, but if one inspector was wasted everytime that he came inspectin', they would run out of inspectors long before they ran out of people to inspect.

The Terminator

New member
Government at gunpoint

I'm just saying that the governed in this country are not governed at will, they are governed at gunpoint. At some point, somewhere, somebody is going to have to take the first shot in defense of liberty in this country, or the state of California, as it may be. A re-occuring theme around the gun rights community is, "is it time in California"?

Do we ever ask ourselves if we are willing to kill/ die to protect freedom from a government run amok? I am sure that as time passes, this question will come to mind more often than not. If I lived in California, it would certainly come to mind much more than it does from where I live now. I don't want to get into a "cop killing debate" as I feel that it will end up the same way that it does every time, it will denigrate into meaningless and emotional diatribe, until the thread has to be locked. I certainly think that there are just as many cops out there who would fight for freedom as there are people of other proffessions. Probably no more or less on a statistical or percentage basis. If one is willing to use firearms to protect his RKBA, then it should not matter whether the perps are agents, or what, in the end they are just men who are acting as representatives of a tyrannical government.

edited for grammar/spelling
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Lord Grey Boots

New member
"The Terminator"? Is the same "The Terminator" that used to post on talk.politics.guns about 6 or 7 years ago? Known for carrying around a replica 45 his university campus?

The Terminator

New member
I'm the new Terminator

No, I am not the Terminator that you speak of. I am the new, dyna-2000 Terminater with the hyper-alloy combat chassis. I can take the shape of any solid object, and form stabbing tools and hooks with my hands and arms. :D :D :D

Seriously, I just took this alias a few months back. I am registered as the Terminator on a few of the good gun related websites around. Nice to meet you.


New member
If all the law abiding gun owners moved out of the sheeples republic of Kilagunformia, only unarmed sheeple would remain
and vast quanities of armed felons would move to kaligunformia
in order to prey on the unarmed sheeple.

The armed murder and armed crime rate would skyrocket yet
higher and show Americia just how very wrong and ineffective
so called "common sense gun control laws" truly are.

However, it is probably expecting too much from liberals to
expect them to draw a logical conclusion from this as they already
missed the boat on the lessons of England, Australia and Canada.

How about a ban on rose colored glasses, instead?

Or a law requiring a normal level of intelligence as well as a passing knowledge of reality; before issuing voting privledges.

I know! We should make it illegal for pot smokers and drug users
to vote or hold public office. That would get rid of many anti
second ammendment rights advocates.


New member
Since GAY Davis got in, it's like the Khmer Rouge took power. If some LEO's get their asses shot off during inspections it will just hasten the day that all guns are banned in CA. That is the goal of the Democrat party. You have to ask yourself why?

I hope Simon can pull it off out there. If not, give the whole place back to Mexico now. Let's see how those liberal fruits in SF and LA like that.


New member
The firearms debate will eventually degrade to this: The number of Americans willing to die to keep their firearms vs. the number of Americans the government is willing to kill to take them away.

Scott Conklin

New member
Nanaimo Barr
Senior Member

Registered: 05-04-2001
Location: North Idaho
Posts: 514
well, THAT sounded like the advocation of killing govt agents...

And the problem with this would be...?

Seriously. At what point does one take a stand? You buy your property(not just a firearm but potentially any property; gun, car, land, whatever)go through all the hoops a bloated series of bureaucracies demand of you and then they come to your home dressed in Ninja suits, stomping on your cat, kicking your wife and ripping out your walls. At some point someone either has to stand up OR we all have to accept that we will never stand up and quit all this talk.

It's coming to that point someday, folks. We either surrender all or take a stand. Taking a stand isn't pretty, but neither is abject surrender.


New member
If you people took the time to read the link, you would see to what types of weapons this PROPOSED legislature would apply to.

Why do so many non-Californians care so much about our state anyway? Do us a favor and stay where you are and shut up.



New member

Sure, it only applies to "evil" firearms now. That's how it begins, when few people care enough to stop this sort of legislation. Then, once the precedent is established, what's one more type of weapon, and one more, and one more....

Soon, your rights are gone, and no one knows exactly when it happened.

Besides, the real debate should revolve around the state's justification for inspections. What logical argument do they use to show some sort of public good from this legislation? What facts do they have to support their argument. Saying "we need to make sure guns are stored safely" doesn't justify anything at all, but the media and the public let them get away with such lazy, unfounded arguments.

Make the legislature debate their case, and it goes away!