Californians Need to Act...NOW!

Calif Hunter

New member
SB 52 has passed the State Senate. This is the bill to require licensing and testing of all handgun purchasers. Not only is it unconstitutional to license a right, but there are other problems. Mike Carona, Orange County Sheriff, has staff estimates that show it will cost over $180,000 just for his department to administer this program. Multiply that by 58 counties and how many cities!
The test will only be available in English and Spanish, so if you are Korean or German, you are not able to buy a pistol?
Please write your State Assembly person and Governor Gray Davis (to veto the bill if it does pass the assembly.)
Gov. Davis has "national aspirations," so everyone can write or call him!
Gov. Gray Davis
State Capitol
Sacramento, CA 95814
PH (916) 445-2841
FAX (916) 445-4633


New member
CA Hunter,

I believe AB35, the Assembly version of this
bill has already passed.

The statists behind this bill don't care if
it costs a lot and is difficult to administer.
In fact, that's exactly what they want! They're
hoping it will discourage people from buying guns.

Once this is in place, you can bet your life they
will expand it to cover long guns, require it to
own any gun (not just to purchase) & of course each
year the fee's and restrictions will increase.

Eventually they'll change it so that even if you jump
through all the hoops and pay all the fee's, some
police chief or beuracrat will have the final say
as to whether you get your license or not.

The calls, letters, faxes and e-mails fall on
deaf ears. The liberals have a lock on the state
and based on demographics and redistricting, it
looks to only get worse.

San Diego


New member
Since similar bills have passed in each house (AB35 & SB52), it is very likely we will get one of these shoved down our throats like it or not. Calls letters and the like do seem to fall on deaf ears as Joe said.

The only hope is that Davis will not sign the one that eventually passes both houses. Based on his prior actions and his support for ALGORE's similar proposal during the 2000 election, I think he will sign it.

The anti-gun forces in this state will not stop until we have no rights to own firearms. The population shift in Kalifornia seems to guarantee a growing socialist majority in the future. Vincente Fox could be elected Governor if he ran as DemocRAT.

Still, we should not give up yet. Let it not be said that we sat on our thumbs and did nothing to stop this. Write, call and pray.

Those of you in other states should call Gray (Red) Davis. He wants to be President so bad he can taste it.


New member
I fear that Russ has stated the truth here. I have emailed and written the governer and many assembly/senate memebers...and it never changes.

The "representatives" do not care what people think for the most part. Their only concerns are getting re-elected and lining their pockets with cash.


New member
I and a few others from our local club have gone down and met with our reps. They flat out told us that they did not care what we thought, they were going to pass these bill.... We did not even get a well we disagree on this issue bt there are many other issues... Sad state of affairs.


New member
I've written both state reps & the gov many times in
the past couple of years, both handwritten and
e-mail. Never received a response from anybody.
Well, my esteemed senator alpert did send me a
political mailing last year featuring a nice full-color
photo of an AK, proclaiming that her opponent wanted
to make horrors like these more easily available to
criminals and children. She won easily - most folks
out here don't care about gun rights, as far as I
can tell.

Like I said, deaf ears. But I write anyway so at
least they'll know not everyone in their district
is a mindless sheeple.

I also have been considering leaving CA, although it
would be tough since my parents and siblings are all
here and I really like the company I work for. Sucks
for all of us to be put in a position like this.

San Diego


New member
Now that I think about it, it might have been
Fineswine that sent that AK mailing.
But the point is the same - in CA hoplophobia seems
to win big.

San Diego