Californians: have YOU been shafted applying for CCW? COMPLAIN HERE!

Jim March

New member
I have a new sub-page up:

This page contains a set of downloadable declaration forms. ANYBODY who has been abused trying to apply for a CCW permit or in trying to obtain PRAR records on California CCW data can submit sworn testimony to the court in the Sacramento case!

It won't end up online, but it will be introduced as evidence and be citable in future cases.

If you were shafted in California and then fled, yes, you can still complain on paper from out-of-state.

This isn't just "my lawsuit" - it's OUR lawsuit. It's still "iffy" as to whether or not the Judge will take one guy's complaints about the CCW system seriously. I want a stack of complaints a foot thick!

Go to that page, it explains everything.

This is how we ALL FIGHT BACK!