California SB15... what handguns are in the process of testing???


New member
Hi folks..
i know that there is a list at DOJ page for those handguns that have already passed the testing process and have already been approved by the DOJ. now, what about those that are still in the process of testing right now, or those that you know of that will be submitting for testing. well, how about we start a list. i called Colt 2 weeks ago and asked them about this, the customer service lady that i spoke to, said that Colt will be/is submitting their line of 45s for testing.

i saw on another post somewhere, sorry can't recall where at the moment, that Les Baer will be submitting their handguns. i think someone also mentioned something about Springfield Armory will be submitting their handguns. this is just secondhand info,....please don't qoute me on this. but we could verify???

anyone else care to add to this list, of "possible" handguns for California???...


New member

I just paid a rare visit to the Kolt website. They do indeed list as least two pistols as being for sale to the public. The 1991A1, and the Defender!!!!! If this is true, then it will be pleasantly refreshing to see at least one traitor rehablitating himself, and telling Klintonov/GOREbachev to go to HE!!. :cool:


New member
There are six Springfields on the list as of today. Love to see that Davis and Phoenix Arms made the list as well. :)


New member

Kahr sent me the following email in response to questions about availability after 1/1/01.

"We have to change the design of our guns before they can be approved.

They should be on the list by the end of February with the new design which
has to include an external safety."