California new FSC requirement


New member
I just heard about California requiring a Firearms Safety Certificate (FSC) to purchase or transfer (receive) long guns as of 1/01/2015. This will replace the HSC (Handgun Safety Certificate) and can also be used for purchasing Handguns.

I cannot find any study materials on the California DOJ website for this so wonder how one can study for the test to get the certificate. Anyone know where I can get the study materials?


New member
Yes, a test

In order to buy a long gun or a handgun in California you need the Firearm Safety Certificate. You can take the test at any FFL. However, for the old Handgun Safety Certificate you could download a study guide from the Calif. DOJ website to study for the test to get the certificate. There is no such study guide for the FSC test. So, how does one study for the test to get their FSC?


New member
You think it's really going to be any different?
Every classic rule taught by any/all classes I've ever been to (or taught) is in it.


New member
You are a few days ahead of the curve - the FFLs in CA received their login info for the new FSC system just last week, and some have not had it yet. The materials are not yet publicly available.

The HSC study guide is likely a good example of the FSC guide - info that is either so obvious it is painful, with a few questions whose answers are 'politically correct' and the 'correct' answers are also obvious, if also wrong in some respect.


New member
The Firearms Safety Certificate training manual is available online here.
Interesting. That site is the FFL login to the system, but the doc file linked is not protected. That's good; I'd expect the public site to have that file available soon.


New member
Thanks natman!

That is exactly what I was looking for. Several new sections as compared to the HSC (Handgun Safety Certificate) guide. Most notable is the long gun section, the cleaning section, and a heavy emphasis on childproofing or locking up the gun.

Still, basic gun safety handling knowledge should get us by the test!

Too bad I need to get this since my HSC does not expire for another 4 years but I cannot buy a long gun with an HSC.


New member
If English isn't your language?

I read the handgun study guide cover to cover. I didn't see anything about other languages.


New member
Doesn't this put an unfair burden on those who can't read?

Can't read English or Spanish, I mean? I live in a county that has something like 60 languages spoken and there is a huge demand for interpreters in the court system.

44 AMP

My HSc was made by Mauser, and has WaA pruf.

Good thing I'm not in California!

Bureaucratic games, creeping incrementalism all aimed at making lawful firearms purchase and ownership as onerous and burdensome as possible.

First, its a needed "certificate" for just one thing, now, its a new, different certificate needed for all things....

Next year, maybe the year after, you will need a new, and different license, or have to jump through different hoops or pay more, or whatever else they can come up with to burden you and discourage you from having/getting one of "those horrible dangerous things!"

Its really a shame that the only test for a politician is the popularity needed to win an election.