California Legal AR-15


New member
I was wondering who makes california legal AR-15...i only know of Vulcan Arms....i was wondering if there was any other and wat prices...and if anyone here has a california legal pictures would be awesome....also what exactly does the fixed mag mean? how do you load it...thank you


New member
first off, its not technically a fixed mag. It is removable, but the replacement part is called a bullet button. It replaces your current mag release with a shroud that requires a bullet, or any similair object to depress.

You're probably asking... "but you can just put a 30 round mag in and its the same damn thing.... all you need is a bullet to change magazines..."

i'm still asking that question.

Either you do that, or change out your flash suppressor, bayonet lug, pistol grip, and collapsible stock. Then you can have a standard mag release.

50 shooter

New member
Go over to Cal and read up on the OLL's and what has to be done to be legal.

You CANNOT have a 30 round mag with the bullet button, if a cop runs the numbers they will know when your lower was purchased. They will also bust you for using a high cap mag in it. You can have a 10/30 mag which is a 30 rounder pinned to hold only 10 rounds, same goes for 10/20's.

Read this thread and open the file for the flow chart for AW's, OLL's... in CA.


New member
Just my unpopular $0.02.

While the bullet-button and similar configurations have become quite common, to the best of my knowledge they have not been formally approved by the CaDOJ or any California court. While I also do not know of any convictions related to them, there are stories about arrests, charges and large legal bills.

They are cool and they may be legal, but you better be sure before you take legal advice from the internet and you better be willing to have to prove their legality.

Either way, good luck and enjoy!


New member
California legal: No barrel, no bolt, no bullets, no stock, no magazine. What's left is legal. Pun intended.