California handgun licensing "urgent update"


New member
This session legislators have also introduced a number of misguided gun
control bills. These bills are feel-good legislation that do nothing to
keep firearms out of the hands of criminals. SB 52 (Scott) and AB 35
(Shelley) require an individual to obtain a handgun certificate (license)
from Department of Justice prior to the purchase, transfer or loan of a
firearm. In so doing the bill also creates new crimes related to firearm
ownership and creates a burden of implementation on local law enforcement.
The only impact of these bills will be negative on law-abiding gun owners.
Another gun bill, SB 510 (Scott), requires that all semi-automatic pistols
sold in state after January 1, 2003, must contain a chamber load indicator.
The purpose of the indicator device is to inform individuals unfamiliar with
firearms that a gun is loaded. However, technical implementation of the
device will instead pose dangers to inexperienced gun users. SB 52 and AB
35 passed the Legislature and are on the Governor's desk; SB 510 was not
approved by the Legislature. The governor hasn't said one way or another if he will sign these bills. The time is now for contacting him. Let him know that these bills are unexceptable and he should not sign them into law. Mark


New member
Because after all . . .

. . . the first thing you want an inexperienced person to do with a gun is pick it up and look for a "loaded chamber indicator," right?

The crap just piles up faster than you can shovel it around here. Hopefully, Davis will be too frightened to sign it and risk his (miniscule) chance of ever being elected to anything again.
