California Gunowners

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Rant On:

I was selling some items of GB and saw a thread here in the handgun section. Folks in California raising a stink.

What is it on the boards with people from California confronting folks who state they don't want to ship to California?????

Instead of getting on a fellow citizen about their personal prerogative and decision to not ship firearms to a certain area. Those folks living in Kommiefornia should be raising hell at the legislators of their socialist failed State. Don't be like a baby just cause we live in a somewhat more free area. You elected the fools and didn't shout loud enough as they took your State over.

"....oh it's just one liberal..." , "...oh well they just run a couple of counties....", "....oh crap you say we are 21 billion in the hole?"

Yeah direct your anger elsewhere or get out.


Rant OFF:

Flame away.
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New member
California...........ya they are ... .......well ... aaaa .......different when it come to firearms.


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:barf::barf::barf::barf: Post.

Id reject against this statement but I wouldn't dare waste my time with a
country tard like your self.


New member
Well there's more conservative, RKBA Californians than the entire population of North Carolina. It's just that they are out voted by twice as many liberal gun hating idiots in that state. Not much the minority can do about it.

Then again, if the minority ruled in this country, North Carolina would probably still have go figure. :eek:


New member
I agree that Californians who value gun rights should do more to regain them. The rest of the OP's post is horrendously objectionable there's not even words for it. It's been established that this place (forum) isn't some closed community where no one from the outside can see what's going on inside. I don't recall which poster has their signature read "What kind of ambassador are you?" But it's a good question to ask here.


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TRguy & raftman,

First, it's clear that you know nothing or very little about the fights going on in California to restore the RKBA. Go look at the upcoming Supreme Court MacDonald case (incorporation) and look up the amici briefs from California groups. We have two cases pending in the courts (Skyes and Pena) to challenge the CCW laws and the "approved handgun" roster. We've actually changed the course of several counties trying to further restrict handguns and ammo (and lost a few).

The main problem with CA sales off gunbroker and such sites is even if the gun is legal to purchase in California, some sellers won't deal with California residents. And a certain state law requires the seller to perform some on-line administrative work -- apparently 5 minutes is too much to ask of some sellers. Thus, Californians seeking a good deal on even new guns are shut out by sellers who put profit far ahead of thumbing their noses at CA's legislature.¹

I'm expecting considerable legal activity after the MacDonald case is heard by the Supreme Court. If it succeeds, CA will be forced to withdraw or re-write almost all of their horrible gun laws. And there's a plan to start that ball rolling with the legislature to avoid costly litigation too.

¹ Thumbing their noses in the sense that despite CA's idiot laws, people continue to do acquire firearms legally.


New member
California is hard to do business with guns and ammo aside, autos, engines, solvents, carbs, paints and systems, exhausts, filtrations, fuel injection electronics, and I bet this doesn't even scratch the surface....there is just too much and it seems I heard recently about plasma tv's or something similiar?

Guns and ammo aren't my business but after jumping thru a few very expensive hoops to do business in Cali for years on other issues (automotive related)....I just don't have the time or desire to waste the time, and if Cali wants to remove itself from trade in so many different areas, fine. Not a firearm issue at all as far as I'm concerned...just the same old same but I think Cali citizens could do better.
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