California Gun Laws - Ridiculous and written by...


New member
The California firearms regulations that is posted in the CA DOJ is written by an idiot: Just look at some of its' contents.

A sniperscope is defined as a device made or adapted for use on a firearm that enables the operator
to detect objects during nighttime through the use of a projected infrared light source and an
electronic telescope. (Penal Code § 468.)
Any person who buys, sells, receives, disposes of, conceals, or possesses a sniperscope is guilty of
a misdemeanor. This prohibition does not apply to authorized use or possession of sniperscopes by
members of the armed forces or peace officers, and does not prohibit use or possession solely for
scientific research or educational purposes. (Penal Code § 468.)

It is unlawful for any person to own, possess, lend, manufacture, import, sell, or offer to sell any
short-barreled shotgun or short-barreled rifle, any firearm that is not immediately
recognizable as a firearm, any camouflaging firearm container, any cane or wallet gun, any
undetectable firearm, any ammunition that contains or consists of a flechette dart, any bullet
that contains or carries an explosive agent, any zip gun, any unconventional pistol, any multiburst
trigger activator, any nunchaku, any metal knuckles, any belt buckle knife, any leaded
cane, any lipstick case knife, any cane sword, any shobi-zue, any air gauge knife, any ballistic
any shuriken, any writing pen knife, and any metal military practice hand grenade or metal
replica hand grenade. It is unlawful for any person to carry a concealed dirk or dagger. (Penal
Code §§ 12001.5, 12020(a)(1).)
It is unlawful for any person to commercially manufacture or cause to be commercially
manufactured, or knowingly import into the state for commercial sale, keep for commercial sale, or
offer or expose for commercial sale, any hard plastic knuckles. (Penal Code § 12020.1.)

How can a shuriken be firearm related? It can be a weapon, yes that is true, but that is about as much relation I can think of. Oh yeah maybe they are both made out of metal.... I'm sure there are more absurd lines in its' contents, but how can the governator let this happen.



New member
Just how short a barrel is defined as short? Good grief, the author of that law section has about the reading level of a 2nd grader at best and I hope upon someone reading it was sent back to pushing a mop.


New member
Comforting to know the law bans "any undetectable firearm". If it's undetectable and someone's carrying it how will the authorities know it's being carried and the individual is breaking the law.

A bunch of gobbledygook....


New member
It was already like that before the governator took office.

Now that the governator is in the seat, how can he let this continue to happen?

Whoever wrote, proofread and influenced the regulation should be all fired. Seems as if they had loco weed and a pizza party while they put this together. Amazing what a degree and a masters can do. josh


New member
Now that the governator is in the seat, how can he let this continue to happen?

I can't speak for him. Get in touch with him and find out.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-445-4633

It doesn't help with Brown as Attorney General either.


New member
It was already like that before the governator took office

Exactly. Its been going on since Reagon was Governer as a way to crack down on the Black Panthers and other gangs that he introduced alsorts of bans and limitations and stupid restrictions.

Its the classic lets use the fear of gang members to take away people's gun rights. Its worked in the 30s, 50s, 60s, 80s and even today.

roy reali

New member
Happy Anniversary!

I am celebrating my one year anniversary in the Silver State. I spent the rest of my life in the Golden State. California does have certain things that Nevada does not.

1. Waiting periods for gun purchases.

2. State lists of "bad" guns.

3. Limits on magazine capacity.

4. CCW's for the rich and famous.

See, Nevada is lacking in many things!;)


New member
The "sniper scope" law dates back to the 1960s and was written around the setup for the M-3 carbine


New member
Exactly. Its been going on since Reagan was Governer as a way to crack down on the Black Panthers and other gangs that he introduced all sorts of bans and limitations and stupid restrictions.
If that is true, couldn't the racial complaint industry step in and raise hell about purposefully focused laws targeting groups of specific racial composition? And where in the hell are the ACLU? Can't all the sue-anyone-for-anything-anywhere-at-any-time groups make themselves useful for a change?


New member
Can't all the sue-anyone-for-anything-anywhere-at-any-time groups make themselves useful for a change?

Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! :D That actually made me laugh. Where's Jesse when you need him?



New member
joshua said:
How can a shuriken be firearm related? It can be a weapon, yes that is true, but that is about as much relation I can think of. Oh yeah maybe they are both made out of metal.... I'm sure there are more absurd lines in its' contents, but how can the governator let this happen.

Because the section of the penal code you quoted is part of the California "Dangerous Weapons Control Law." That is the official title, not California Firearms Laws.

Pat H

There used to be a book available which had a title something like, "Dangerous Weapon Laws of California". It was written by a cop for use in a training class for cops. It was very good, and although there are lots more things illegal now than when the book was written, it's still something to have on your reference shelf if you live in CA.

This is a later 1998 edition, the first edition published in 1996 is still available as well.


New member
Because the section of the penal code you quoted is part of the California "Dangerous Weapons Control Law." That is the official title, not California Firearms Laws.

Yes, I agree with you, but why are they in the "2007 California Firearms Law" phamplet? Maybe they are assuming that most self defense situation the person in the state of defending his life and/or family will use a back up weapon and those on the "related devices" that are illegal to possess are not a good choice in this situation. If that is their objective then why didn't they cover tear gas and tazers? It should be related, right?. The book is very poorly planned. josh