California Elections.


New member
For those stuck with me here in the People's Democratic Socialist Republic of California, we have a primary election coming up on Tuesday, 5th March 2002.

Item one: Get out and vote!

Item two: Please vote for Bill Simon for governor. He's the only one who is pro gun in the whole mess.

Bill Jones is a career politician. He might go either way.
Richard Riordan is a left wing liberal Democrat getting money from the Republican party.

If Riordan gets the Republican nomination, I'm voting Libratarian.

I will not vote for a left wing liberal twit under any circumstances.


New member
Simon has a slight lead over Dick at the moment, so it's vitally important that we make sure he keeps it through 8pm Tuesday.

Jones does have good RKBA credentials; HOWEVER, he does NOT stand a chance in either the primary or general elections.

We need to line up strongly behind Simon.



New member
Yes, please -- VOTE VOTE VOTE! And vote for Simon. I really like Jones, but we have to be one issue voters this time around if we want any chance of preserving what little remains of our rights, and that means voting for the only guy with a chance to beat that commie Davis and that sellout Riordan.

I was very discouraged about the coming election a month ago, but things have turned around drastically in the last week or so, and this is our big chance to use our voting power and make a difference!