California Bill to Tax Guns and Ammo on the March


New member

California continues to harass gun owners with new/recycled proposals to tax guns and ammo. Now that nobody can legally purchase ammo out of state, the state wants to add the next layer of intrusion to your 2A rights with higher taxes on guns and ammo beyond the normal sales and federal excise tax.


New member
There are three choices it seems; vote those folks out of office, sue all the way to SCOTUS, move to a friendlier state.
Personally I would opt for #3 as that would resolve the issue for an individual the fastest.


New member
#3 is a hope for the future. Can't go right now. #1 is impossible with the liberal control of the big cities and the welfare dole keeping people voting democrap. #2 takes pockets deeper than mine. The democraps like to use tax dollars to fight against individual liberty. There are many cases working their way up. Adjudication delayed seems to be used to justify rights denied. Given the federal push for gun Control no place is really safe from this sort of attack to the second amendment.


New member
The anti-gun/anti constitution cult are youthful and their minds are warped...still pining for that government utopia their teacher spoke about and drummed into their head which will only exist in their minds.

The plague is far-reaching, and now even exists in the larger college towns of our most pro-gun and conservative states. A good example is Bozeman, MT.
They are sick with CA implants who have brought their anti-gun idiocy along with them. You can move, but it will catch up to you.

In my state of WA, constitution following gun owners receive harsh penalties, felonies and jail time if they fail to follow unconstitutional state firearm mandates, while drug addicts are allowed to use opioids without even a fine, and child sex offenders are "counseled" instead of imprisoned.

Time for a cleansing.


New member
FunGramps, I think other than Washington not having an income tax, your pretty much living in a California cookie cutter society. Unfortunately, with the crush of illegals into California and the flight of conservatives and middle class Americans who can't afford to stay, the state is filling up with welfare and criminal cases at the expense of the rest of society in this liberal utopia.