Cal. 30 Ball M2 (.30-06)


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Anyone loading the 152 gr. Flat Base pulled bullets? Results? Thanks & God Bless.........Creeker

Trapper L

New member
Yeah, but the data I can share is probably not what you are looking for. I load 19.0 grs of IMR 4759 and the primer doesn't seem to matter. This is about an 80% case capacity with this powder. It is very bulky and is used for reduced loads. A child can shoot these loads. They will hunt to about 150 yds. I shoot this load in all of my 03A3s and all shoot this load extremely accurate. For an 03, raise the sights to 400 yds for 100 yds zero. But I'm sure you are looking for full house loads- this isn't it.


New member
I was looking for something like 2700 fps. Everyday shooting with something not to far under full loads is the goal. I can't remember the orginial service load for the '06 but I'm sure it was 4895 @ the above speed?


New member
Seems to me the Std Service load was at 2800 FPS
yes 4895 was one of the original powders used.

Try 48.4 gr of IMR 4895


New member

I don't know what you're reloading for, but if I were you, I would start around 43-46 grains and see how it goes from there. Lot safer to do that with your M1 Garand rifle and not risk damage the op rod if you're a bit too hot.

The 1:10 twist of most 30-06 barrels doesn't do that well with 150 grain bullets, especially after 300 yards. So loading it hotter isn't gaining you a whole lot. You'd be better off buying something around 175 grains for the 600 yard line. Better accuracy, as that's fits the twist much better.




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Dave I have two '06's. A 721 Rem and a Sporterized 03A3. These bullets are for cheap shooting. Something like the service load will be fine. I don't need target grade or long range ammo.


New member
Just shot some last week in a 24" barrel in the M1 Garand. If you weigh and sort the surplus pulled bullets by weight and tip profile (some are sharp pointed while others are rounder) you'll probably get better groups. In a typical batch of these pull-down bullets they come from a few different lots and weights and shapes vary some. Some say they get good grouping but anything 2" or less would be good. Loading new IMR 4895 powder with RP 9 1/2 primers I get 2700 fps using 47 grains. 47.5 bumps it up about 2725 but that's in a 24" barrel. I would start lower at about 45 grains of 4895 and work up to around 48 grains looking for best accuracy and not velocity. Also in your bolt action rifles you could use a slower powder like IMR 4350 using 150 grain starting data and work up. These 150 FB pulled bullets seem to show near the same velocity and pressure as 150 grain Hornady SP's in my testing but always work up from starting charges.


New member
I have had good results with Varget, IMR 4064 and IMR 4895 in the Garand.

I suggest that for accuracy loads, check one of the surplus sites for unfired .30-06 brass. I got a good quantity of Lake City .30 Match that way.

For plinking, use the milsurp bullets. For accuracy, I use the 168 grain MatchKing, or the 155 grain Palma Match. I haven't tried 175 grain bullets yet.

Also get the book, "The M1 Rifle" available from the NRA. It has a list of powders that are suitable for the Garand--and also easy instructions on bedding the rifle.


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I use the M2 pills in my K 31 Swiss rifle. They're cheap and with a little extra effort they are accurate as well.


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You guys are great. I got a deal on 13 pounds of IMR 4895 and thought I'd get several thousand of the M2 bullets to play with.........Lynn


New member
I am wanting to work up a safe load for hunting for my Garand. I know they're a bit picky about burn rate. here's what I have thus far component-wise:

16 lbs IMR 4895 and milsurp M2 brass.

Any recommendations on loadings? Bullet types, brands, weights etc?

I just don't want to damage my prized M1!



New member
The book I have says that 48.4 gr of IMR 4895 emulates the old M2 round. Start at 46 gr and work your way up .5 gr at a time. I would not exceed the 48.4. if you load too hot you can bend the op rod. bending the op rod is considered bad Ju-JU. as you likely know it's already bent but that bend is critical.