Cabela's Score 204 Ruger


New member

Clearance rack, NIB Remington Model 70 VL SS Thumbhole. $599. My first dedicated varmint rifle. Everywhere I looked these are $825 - $900. Had to pull the trigger. Looking forward to load developement. Been prepping brass all day. 200 rds. Winchester brass, FL sized, trimmed, chamferred case mouths, deburred flash holes, uniformed primer pockets. Gonna start with Rem. 7 1/2 BR primers, Benchmark powder, and Hornady 32 grn. V-Max. Have I left anything out?


New member
Ha ha ha. Good one. Haven't decided on a scope yet. Have a Simmons Aetec 2.8 X 10 X 44 not currently in use I may throw on it to start load developement. Will have to research "Varmint" scopes to see what more experienced shooters of this class of rifle use. This is a first for me. Smallest thing I've loaded up to now has been .243. I helped a buddy with his .223 loads before, but not for myself.


New member

Here's mine in 22-250Rem trim. It's a tack driver with my 50gr VMAX hand loads. I paid almost $900 for mine. You got one heck of a bargain there. Nice.


New member
One more thing. Glass bed it and FLOAT THE BARREL. I've had two of these heavy barreled Remington's now (VLS and VLSS) and groups shrank considerably after doing it.


New member
Are those rifles built on the XR/XP actions,

I'm still laughing at
You just gonna look down the top of the barrel at the pd's

I have the XR-100 in 22-250 only difference I see is S.S. and a different color Boyd's stock


New member
That's really pretty.

Very nice, sir. I like it.

Thanks guys.

I paid almost $900 for mine. You got one heck of a bargain there.

I saw it last Thursday in the Post Falls, ID store. Was actually looking for a heavy barrelled .308. Particularly interested in a Savage, as I want to check out the hype I keep reading. Saw this one and really agonized over it. Decided to call sat morning and had them put it on hold till I got there. I couldn't find any on-line for less than $827. Many were in the $900 range.

One more thing. Glass bed it and FLOAT THE BARREL. I've had two of these heavy barreled Remington's now (VLS and VLSS) and groups shrank considerably after doing it.

Gonna loose the pressure pad tomorrow. That should take care of the floating. Glass later. Should finish up the first loads tomorrow too, so maybe can go out and give her a dance this weekend, or better yet early next week.

Are those rifles built on the XR/XP actions,

This is a 700. I think the XP's were modified 600's, and the rear grips used model 7 actions, but don't quote me on it. I'm not familiar with the XR-100.
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New member
Nice rifle - I LOVE my .204 Ruger. Be sure to try the heavier bullets as well if you can find them (Sierra 39 BK or Hornady 40 Vmax). My Savage varminter (same 1:12 twist rate) will shoot sub .5 MOA with the right load, but never could get the 32s to group quite as well. YMMV of course, enjoy!


New member
Nice rifle - I LOVE my .204 Ruger. Be sure to try the heavier bullets as well if you can find them (Sierra 39 BK or Hornady 40 Vmax). My Savage varminter (same 1:12 twist rate) will shoot sub .5 MOA with the right load, but never could get the 32s to group quite as well. YMMV of course, enjoy!

Yeah I'm gonna try the 40's next, but one of the appeals of this round is speed, so I wanted to experience that first. :D


New member
Finally got to shoot this thing yesterday. Took several rifles with me, and saved this one for last, due to the low-to-no recoil. That was in part detrimental to this group I think. Mainly because by the time I got around to putting it on paper, it was raining, and I was soaked and pretty cold and in a hurry to be done.

Like has been said many times, recoil is accumaltive. 20 rds. of 7mm STW, 20 rds. of 30-06, 30 rds. of .280, and 50 rds. of 7.62x39 took a bit of a toll on me, after not sitting down for a serious bench session in several years.

That being said, i think this rifle/load combo has potential. Worked up to 28 grns of Benchmark pushing 32 grn A-Max's...5 shots.


Certainly nothing to brag about, and not making any excuses. I need to set aside dedicated range time for it.
Scope questions

Both submitted pictures show long sunshades on the scopes. What is the purpose/need for them?

Also, mrawesome22, what kind of scope bases/rings are those - Conetrol?

Just curious.

Also a question not related to scopes -
Does Remington make them in lefty configuration. Those thumbhole stocks are "anti-ambidextrous", for sure!!!


New member
My latest group.

50gr VMAX
40.2gr IMR4007SSC
.030" off lands.
WW case.
WLR primer.
3918fps. SD 18fps. ES 47fps.
7 shots in that group.