Cabela's Rem 783 Sale


New member
My kid went and bought one of those in 270 WN yesterday.

I mounted a scope on it last night (Redfield 6-18 Battlezone) and we took it out today.

Sighted it in with some ammo I use in my Model 70 270.

Got it sighted in then started ranging it to a tad over 1000 yards using the same data for my Model 70.

The sucker works. Its pretty darn accurate for a $200 (after rebate) budget rifle.

I was impressed.


New member
Not quite the same thing but the local BiMart was closing out of Savage Axis rifles and I got a .270 for $239. There store in McMinnville, OR still has one for that price...



New member
I found one on sale last yr in the compact 308 for $269 + $5 shipping while the $40 rebate was going on.

Bought it for a cheap truck type or loaner gun and so far like it.