CA - Where's the GOA?


New member
In California there are 2 handgun owner license bills which may very well become law soon. When I go to the State-level Alerts on the GOA website I see nothing about these bills. Can anyone tell me why they haven't posted anything about this?

If these bills pass, look to see them in your state soon.

Money to GOA is wasted as far as I'm concerned.
I just got a mailer from GOC which has a write up on the gun bills currently moving through the legislature. A little late, perhaps, but at least they are paying attention.


New member
All us californian's need to contact governor Gray Davis and let him know that he shouldn't sign either one of these bills if they make it to his desk. I have heard rumours that he would like to make a run for president. Reminding him how Al Gore suggested handgun licensing and look where that got him wouldn't hurt either.


New member

They pushed the effective date from 6/30/02 to 1/1/03 so Red Davis could run for Gov again in 2002 hoping this would not be a big issue. In CA it probably won't hurt him anyway. I bet he wishes the effective date was after the 2004 presidential elections if he signs these. He will have a tough decision. Hope he chokes on it.