CA people, BLM and Tannerite.

50 shooter

New member
You can no longer use Tannerite on BLM land due to fire danger, it carries a FELONY charge if caught!!!

Remember this as if you're convicted of a FELONY, you lose your right to ever own a firearm again! It also comes with a $10,000 fine! Don't forget that you also lose the right to vote.

This is no joke and if you play stupid games, you're going to win stupid prizes!


New member
Further, if you do start a fire, you WILL be billed for the supression expenses. If a firefighter or a hiker dies in your fire, add a homicide charge to your woes.

The smart people find somewhere else to play stupid games.

They're very, very good at determining who started a wildfire.


New member
Tannerite has been banned on public land in most western states for up to 10 years.

I'm sure this isn't a recent change in California, of all places.

Old Stony

New member
I'm surprised that Ca. even allowed the purchase of Tannerite as they banned the sale or purchase of the little stick on exploding targets many years ago.


New member
There's lots of entertaining versions of reaction targets without blowing things up.
Anyone remember the tv shooting show where a large piece of a car just about took someone's head off.
The car had been loaded with something a bit too strong and when it kaboomed, shrapnel flew in all directions, including back to the shooting line.
Risk of fire isn't the only hazard from exploding targets.


New member
I dont disagree with not using the stuff but at the same time I enjoy watching the youtube videos of it...I mean come on, it goes BOOM!!! Isn't enjoyment of that kind of stuff etched in our DNA.


New member
I have never played with Tannerite.Sure,I get it.Fun!

I have enjoyed the TRUST of private landowners.I do not care whatever the testimonies or science may say about fire hazard or lack of it,my trust and credibility with the landowner are on the line. I would not even consider asking if it was OK.

I also do not want to draw attention to myself.Anyone phoning the Sheriff with "I heard an explosion and saw a ball of fire" will bring a response.Not my idea of fun.

OK,boom,and a puff of overpressure? Some distance makes that pretty safe.
Blowing up a car,TV,etc adds fragmentation to the picture.If you can see it,you are exposed to "direct fire" In a ditch,there is "indirect fire"

Recently on you tube was a vid of some genius who put Tannerite in a stove or washing machine or something.He set it off,and a chunk of whatever he was blowing up amputated his leg.

I can see it being great fun at something like a .50 cal organized shoot on a range with exploding targets.

If you have your own acreage,or an enthusiastic land owner...knock yourself out! Have fun.If you want.


New member
I watched one video of an old farm house in the middle of a wheat field loaded with Tannerite, I don't know how much was inside, but it might as well have been a case of dynamite. The footage was shot from several hundred yards away, and should have been, you could see lethal debris cutting down wheat for a couple hundred yards out.