CA-Man w/CCW kills home invaders

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New member
Last night in Alamo, CA ( a Bay Area suburb) a man with a CCW repelled a home invasion, killed one of the attackers, and his family subdued and beat the other, holding him until the police arrived. Unfortuneately the husband was killed by one of the attackers. Currently some of the Bay Area media is providing some of the best self defense coverage I have seen in recent memory. One station has a poll:

It is far better to dare mighty things, though riddled with failure, than to live in the dull grey of mediocrity.


Moderator Emeritus
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Kim Fang, a plastic surgeon and retired
orthodontist, was taken to John Muir Medical
Center but died during the night of two gunshots to
the chest. Fang held a revolver and a concealed
weapons permit, but police would not say why it
was issued.

What a disgrace! The man dies protecting his family and home....but the SF Gate has to insinuate his CCW as potentially sinister. Infamnia! My prayers with Drs. Fang and family.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!


New member
I can tell you how Fang got the CCW. On the local staion KRON, the kind of did a bio on the guy. He was a personal friend of the Sherrif and helped at a lot of fundraisers for the sherriff dept. It also helped that he knew may local politicians. Its gettting an incredible amount of relatively good press for an area that is so anti.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?


New member
I picked up on Chink's info and wrote the SF Gate, asking why don't they investigate the abuses of the "May Issue" CCW permit system, pointing out the advantages of "Shall Issue".

I also asked them to innvestigate the track record of the parole board as at least one of the shooters was a parolee.

It would be nice to get something started.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.


New member
Mendocino, thanks for posting this story. I plan to put it in my self-defense files. Please post any additional stories about this. Looks like 2000 may be the year people fight back. I've found many self-defense stories in the last few days--it's a shame they're only carried locally.



New member

My first reaction was the same as yours upon hearing the circumstances surrounding the issuance of Dr. Fang's permit--outrage at the obvious selective issuance. I discussed the issue with my wife and she pointed out that there was NOTHING anti-gun or anti-self defense said on the SF area media today or tonight that we saw or heard. Its a travesty that a brave man had to die defending his family before the media momentarily saw through the Anti's hype.


I'll do what I can. I'm more than happy to help your efforts.

Jeff Thomas

New member
Robert, you got me thinking ... as you collect your stories, have you kept track of where they appear in the various publications? While I recognize this is not your focus, it would be interesting to see a study of where self defense stories with firearms are reported versus firearms crimes and accidents. I think we all know the answer, but it would be interesting to see some stat's.

The popular media does such a good job of lying and obfuscating the truth in this debate.

James K

Member In Memoriam
The press has not yet gotten its instructions from HCI and the White House. They will get on the right track tomorrow - or else.



New member
bestdefense357, isn't it always that way? When was the last time anyone can remember a gun being portrayed in a positive light on the national news? And there are people out there who want to tell me that the media isn't biased? Come on!

I've been doing my little part to spread the positive stories about guns and self-defense by making copies of "The Armed Citizen" page
in the American Guardian and leaving them in the breakrooms at work. I've also put a few month's worth on my very simple little website, although I'm sure I reach more people at work than my website ever will.

BTW, if anyone happens to look at my website, please let me know if anything is not working properly. Thanks.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.


New member
Jeff, that's a good question. I have about 3,000 cases in my files dating from 1992-2000. Almost all appeared in the local section of the newspaper in the town/city where it happened. Some on the front page of the local section, others inside the local section. Once in a lo-oo-ong while, a case makes the front page alongside the national news. An example is what happened in Phoenix a few months ago when a citizen named Rory Vertigan captured three drug dealers who had just murdered a police officer. But that's pretty rare, and if the police officer hdn't been involved, it would have been buried back in local section.

A curious thing is that many in the media don't know that people use guns in defense of themselves and others. They're not living in the same world you and I inhabit. A few months ago, a reporter from a newspaper in New Jersey contacted me and asked if I had a case from that state I could tell him about because he wanted to do a story but couldn't find any local cases. When I told him about several, he didn't believe me. "In New Jersey?" he asked. "Prove it." I gave him the names/dates and the newspaper the cases were reported in which turned out to be his own paper. He couldn't get over it. All he had to do was search the archives of his own newspaper to find several cases.

I've also consulted with reporters from ABC News and CBS News and they were shocked to learn that large numbers of Americans use guns to defend themselves. It's scary that people who are reporting the news everyday don't have a clue as to what guns mean to people in terms of defense.



New member
that last little paragraph about the "not knowing the uses that ordinary people put firearms to" maybe you could find a way to include that somewhere in a book, is interesting to note that the hypocrisy of some of these same people, especially at the top of their respective food chains, rosey liveing in walled home with video cameras, etc., Hillary + bill with secret service protection the rest of their lives, and prior to his winning the presidency have been protected their entire adult lives through the state of arkansas. Ted Kennedy, His personal bodyguard carrying an unregistered uzi, plus the security they can afford. the Jane fonda(billhayden?), virulently anti gun, some one breaks onto their property and when the police get there they are both walking around with guns....we could go on and on and maybe we should do that, lets find out how shummer is protexcted....fubsy.


New member
This is a perfect example of media bias. Don't you see the implication. "He had a gun and still got killed." Had the good doctor killed the perp without being harmed do you seriously believe this story would have made the news?


New member
Hey Mendocino,

There's a follow-up article in the SF Chronicle today. Unfortunately, the tag is too long for my computer to post. Can you do it? It has some great info on how to get a concealed permit in California--become friends with the Sheriff!



New member
Didn't find too much about the sheriff in this one, but it has some classics:
". . . said the gunmen were convicted felons . . . Nem is a parolee classified as a violent offender with convictions for assault, burglary and auto theft." and "It's unheard of in this community.", just to get you started [evil :)].

This URL also has some other links and a poll halfway down the page on the right: "Defend Your Home with Gun?"
Yes, stop criminals. 81%
No, too dangerous. 12%
Only if you're expert. 6%
This paper does a pretty good job.

Two gunmen behind a fatal botched robbery in an exclusive Alamo home were members of a Stockton street gang who carefully planned the invasion, police said yesterday.

But if the intruders were counting on little resistance, they got more than they expected when, carrying semiautomatic pistols, they burst into the home on Incline Green Lane shortly before 6 p.m. Tuesday. The home's owner, Kim Fang, an accomplished marksman, shot one robber dead and critically wounded another, police said.

Fang, 49, was wounded during the gunfight and died hours later at John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek, where he had worked for eight years as a plastic surgeon until his retirement in 1994.

The dead robber was identified last night as Mesa Kasem, 22, and his wounded accomplice as Soknoeum Nem, 21, both of Stockton.

Contra Costa County Sheriff's Capt. George Lawrence said the gunmen were convicted felons and members of the Asian Street Walkers gang. They were being investigated for similar crimes against Asians elsewhere in the Bay Area.

Nem is a parolee classified as a violent offender with convictions for assault, burglary and auto theft.

Kasem, who served prison time for shooting a woman in Stockton, was subsequently detained behind bars as a ``lifer'' by the Immigration and Naturalization Service because he was considered a violent criminal.

Kasem, however, successfully fought his INS detention and was released.

Last night, police served search warrants at the Stockton homes where Nem and Kasem lived, but investigators declined to say what, if anything, was seized from the properties.

Investigators disclosed yesterday that they found a blue Mazda that Nem and Kasem had rented in Stockton, parked a block away from the Fang home. Inside, they found a handwritten note with Kim Fang's name and address. The suspects had used their own names to rent the car, police said.

Investigators also were able to provide a clearer picture of how the robbery attempt went awry.

Nem and Kasem were probably after jewelry or cash in the home, Lawrence said. There were no statements or demands from the two men when they rushed the house, police said.

One of the suspects was attacked with a frying pan by Fang's wife, Winnie Fang, who answered their knock on the front door. Winnie Fang, an anesthesiologist, was shot once in the chest but was expected to be released last night from Stanford Medical Center.

Her brother, Richard Law, was in the living room and came to his sister's aid when he heard her screams, struggling with the suspects before he was ordered to the floor. A nanny, Melee Jung, was pistol-whipped by one intruder.

``I think they were fighting for their lives,'' Lawrence said.

It was not until Kim Fang, working in an upstairs office, heard the commotion and came downstairs that the shooting started, police said. Exactly who fired first was still being sorted out yesterday, but investigators said Kim Fang mortally wounded Kasem with rounds to the head, chest and leg.

Nem, who was tied up with telephone cords by the family and held for police, is in Eden Medical Center in Castro Valley in fair condition. He is under arrest but is heavily sedated and has not yet been interviewed by police. He is expected to be charged with murder and robbery.

The Fangs' two children, ages 10 and 13, were not hurt during the attack and ran to a neighbor's home for help, Lawrence said.

Court records said the surviving suspect's nickname is ``Half Dead,'' and family members confirmed the unusual nickname, saying it stuck after Nem -- who lived as a young child in war-torn Cambodia -- survived when a bomb he was playing with exploded. The family moved to Connecticut in 1983 to escape the Khmer Rouge.

Standing outside Nem's home in Stockton, Nem's girlfriend and some of his relatives were stunned to learn of his alleged involvement in Fang's death when informed by The Chronicle yesterday. Nem's 15- year-old sister, Sophoem Nem, acknowledged that her brother had been a gang member since his early teens but said he had recently been trying to change his life and talked of becoming a monk.

Nem had been picked up Tuesday evening by a jailhouse friend known to the family only as ``Mesa'' and had left a note behind saying he was going to Sacramento, said Nem's girlfriend, who asked not to be named.

Kasem's relatives also expressed disbelief that he was involved in such a violent attack.

``My brother is a good person,'' said Prany Kasem, 32, a preschool teacher. ``He has a good heart. He wanted to start his life all over again'' after serving prison time for a gang-related shooting.

Kasem, told the Los Angeles Times in a September 1998 interview about INS detentions that he had been a gang member in Stockton since his teens and had served prison time for shooting a woman in Stockton. After completing his prison sentence in 1997, he was taken by the INS, which could not deport him to Cambodia and refused to return him to American society.

``The way things are going, I cannot even imagine freedom now,'' Kasem told the Times from a Lancaster jail.

But Kasem, who had arrived in the United States from Cambodia at age 3, and his family fought his detention.

``What are we going to do? Sit here and wait for my brother to rot?'' his sister Raksan Kasem had told the Times.

The brutal attack in Alamo shocked the community, where many homes carry multimillion-dollar price tags and residents value their privacy. Debra Fong-Kong, a parent at one of the local schools, said, ``It's unheard of in this community. The location of the house seems like the last place they would find. It's absolutely horrible.''

Kim Fang was a member of the Contra Costa Sheriff's Posse, a ceremonial fund-raising arm of the department. Fang had held a concealed weapons permit through the sheriff's department since 1989.

According to investigators, Fang requested permission to carry a gun because of unspecified threats made to him or to his medical practice that year. He had qualified to renew the permit since then without incident.

The Fang family was described by officials as distraught over the publicity in the case. Sheriff Warren Rupf, who knew Kim Fang and visited Winnie Fang at Stanford Medical Center, declined to comment on the couple, saying he was respecting the family's wishes for privacy.

Terry Fultz, the Fangs' former next-door neighbor, said Fang revealed details about his investments and other property to strangers.

``I wonder if Kim said one thing too many to somebody he didn't really know,'' Fultz said. ..
©2000 San Francisco Chronicle

They also have a message board devoted to just this topic, and the antis are getting HAMMERED. This from the SF Bay area? There is hope yet.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.

Red Bull

New member
The most glaring bias I see, probably totally unintentional (?) is that they were very sure to say that the BAD guys used (evil) "semi automatic" guns, but they do not mention what the GOOD guy used to defned his family (probably a semi-automatic weapon!)

Also, the good doctor had a CCW permit because of "unspecified threats" against his business. Hm, sounds like a convenient reason for the sheriff to issue his buddy a CCW permit.

I am glad the bad guys lost. Too bad that one of the good guys did not exactly win %100 either, though he saved his family. Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "Remember the Alamo!"

[This message has been edited by Red Bull (edited January 07, 2000).]


New member
Only found one anti-check out this imbecile -- "armed entrepreneurs". Swwet Jesu!!

"Guns at Home Bulletin Board Posting
Subject: Resistance is Futile

Posted by Dale Seago (San Francisco) on armed entrepreneursJanuary 06, 2000 at 15:50:23:

The initial resistance to the , according to the latest accounts released, was by the unarmed Mrs. Fang. She was shot once in the chest, and is expected to recover. Then Dr. Fang came downstairs with his gun and, seeing his wife and nanny engaged with these people, sprayed the young men with bullets. The doctor's arrogant machismo cost one of the youths his life and put the other in the hospital in critical condition. It also caused his own death, as had he not had his gun they might have only shot him in the arm or leg to keep him quiet while they concluded their business with him and his family.

Yes, he might still have been killed, along with his family. But it is a certainty that at least one life would have been saved by the absence of Fang's gun, and another person would have avoided critical injury.

Dale Seago "

Be gentle.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.


New member
One news article I read indicated that Fang was a member of the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Posse. Having read Jim March's CCW complaint against the CC sheriff, the Posse is the group of political favorites to whom the sheriff grants CCWs. Too bad we don't all have the equal opportunity to defend ourselves and our families.
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