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There are several kinda cool things working in the background for us that
we should see the results of soon. Meanwhile, in an effort to improve on
the lousy job I have been doing in keeping everyone up to speed on routine
status, here is a list of some significant organizational, procedural and
networking items.

We have been blessed with some extraordinary grassroots volunteers and
volunteer leaders. Whereas during the SB-23 Referendum drive we often felt
like we were herding cats, this time, we have learned from our past

1. Teri Seago (Ter the Terrible at has been
named Manager of Statewide Grassroot Volunteers. Ter has been coordinating
with regional managers and will be posting names e-mails addresses and
schedules on a new link here on the home page. Please coordinate various
 events  with Teri through email.

2. I have been  holding back  on a couple of items until I finally
get an opportunity to speak with Wayne LaPierre regarding what we can or
cannot expect from the NRA. We will know one way or another what the NRA
will or won t do to support our efforts within two weeks.

3. This weekend we will conduct a signature count and post the
preliminary results Monday. From that point forward we will post to the
home page (on a weekly basis) Signatures to date; Signatures required;
dates to qualify.

4. Don Kilmer and I will start a series of speaking engagements
across the state. Next week I am speaking to the Libertarian Party State
convention and hope to secure their endorsement.

5. The political environment has been both interesting and annoying.
We will be posting to the web page state politicians who DO and those who
DO NOT endorse our initiative.

6. During the Referendum drive we established over 600 retail
locations where people could find, sign, and submit petitions. However,
this time, we are lagging behind and really need you to deliver petitions
to friendly retail locations AND posting the location to our county
location link. THIS IS IMPORTANT.

7. PLEASE do not sit on petitions. MAIL THEM ASAP. We have a team in
Sacramento that has been tasked with the primary responsibility of
collecting, counting, and collating signed petitions.

8. We are about to kick into overdrive on several fronts, and we need
any and all help. If you have not yet registered through the web page as a
volunteer please do so.

We have a unique opportunity that can only be exploited with all of YOUR
help. There has been incredible support from several surprising quarters.
The Leg Counsel analysis we have is unprecedented. However, there are
still some who say "Hey why do we need this? We have the Second
Amendment." Fundamentally, and academically they are right. However, the
reality check is this: most of the bad, anti-gun obstacles we encounter
are a direct result of the omissions in the California Constitution. This
Constitutional Amendment is designed to correct those omissions.

I am asking Don Kilmer to outline for you the compelling legal reasons why
this effort is so important.

We CAN qualify this initiative for the ballot. We CAN create the tools
necessary to stop wholesale assaults on liberty and freedom. We can
significantly reduce crime, and save the state money in the process.
However, we cannot to any of this without YOUR support, your efforts, and
your commitment to "get ten people to get ten people to get ten people" to
sign our petition.

Geoff Metcalf


"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be
needed until they try to take it."
--Thomas Jefferson

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