(CA) Jack O. Scott


New member
Jack Scott is the sorry SOB politician who offered SB52 in Kalifornia to inplement the Al "Friggin" Gore proposal that everyone who owns a handgun should get permission from the State, a licence, to own a hand gun. Subsequent confiscation will follow, have no doubt.

I happened to see Jack Off on a So. Cal. PBS program called "Life and Times" on Friday or Saturday last week.

He is the most anti gun SOB this side of the Atlantic Ocean. The problem is,he doesn't sound like he comes from here.

He has a non-CA accent. He aint from here. Where the hell does he get off. Where is this Jack Off from? Texas, Oklahoma? He sure isn't a native of California. I know because I am.

Let him go back where he came from. What a TOAD.

And for you non-CA people, he is crafting the legislation that anyone sorry enough to vote for a DemocRAT will see on the national level. From his ass to Feinstein's desk.

I saw a post a couple of days ago from someone on this board who said that voting on one issue was wrong. I am a one issue voter. If they want to take my guns then they can eat ****.

Whoever posted that can eat $**** too. Vote your guns or become a SHEEP.

Your Tax dollars are funding this POS to go on TV on PBS no matter where you live BTW.


New member
You're right, he is not from PRK. He is from the town of Sweetwater, TX, but moved many years ago and renounced his citizenship.

He's been a "bleeding heart" left winger since his college days. Taught school at some JC in PRK and at Pepperdine but moved after the riots when Pepperdine was in Watts and through incompetence rose through the education ranks.

After his son was killed (details unknown to me) at a party in LA he found a cause and the right state for his cause.

I sorry to say I'm related to him but rarely tell anyone.



New member

Thanks for that. His son was killed by accident when a friend was showing off a gun at a party and tragically shot his son. I think it was a shotgun. Either way, that has to suck. However, I think his vendetta against firearms has gone too far.

Can we get him deported back to Texas where he will drowned out?


Bam Bam

New member
I will never understand why laws are passed against objects. There are already enough laws against what really counts, irresponsible human behaviour. I sympathize with the misfortune of the loss of his son; but frankly he needs to have his head examined. The responsible moral agent was the so-called "friend" who pointed a gun at something/one that should not have been shot. :(


New member
Sorry Russ but we've become very strict regarding immigrants from the west. We're working on the ones from the south although that seems to be a losing battle at the moment. :(



New member

Scott is a liberal pultroon. The man (like Clinton,) makes me ashamed to be a southerner.
I know the type well. They'll smile as they screw you, and expect you to enjoy it.

I think that (all things considered) KCET and Gay in particlar did a good job of being even-handed about things. The rep from the gun lobby was a no-show. That was really bad for us. Scott spouted some of the usual bad data and Gay questioned his statistics. How often do you see that happen? Scott even admitted that the bill wouldn't necessarily have prevented his son's death. Would that have happened on commercial television?

I think Gay (and KCET) are to be commended for the job they did. It could have been a LOT worse.

I intend to contact Gay and thank her for the job she did. If we encourage good behavior, maybe we'll get more of it.

Stay safe,



New member
Yes,Scott's views should be termed liberal fascism.
I'm very upset over this so called representative,because I live in California. There is such a big deal about how his son was killed by an irresponsible freind,and yes it was with a shotgun so why is he trying to grab pistols? He's using his own sons death as an excuse. The Red L.A. Times had a pro SB 52 article a couple of months back touting how his son died with a shotgun,as if taking away pistols would've helped. I couldnt' resist writing them a letter,and they didn't print it of course. I encourage others to write these news rags,and the corrupt authors of these unconstitutional bills.
Below is a quote fromt the L.A. times article with a response that I wrote in a letter,can you beleive these socialist?:

"Sen. Jack Scott,whose son died in1993 when the shotgun a freind was showing off discharged,thinks that California's existing safety training requirements are wholly inadequate. We agree."

Really? The shotgun just went off? Being that the L.A. Times and Sen. Jack Scott are all for responsibility was the freind even held responsible? SB 52 says nothing of shotguns either only handguns. This is very suspicious in itself. Why would any gun owner view this bill as nothing more than another attempt by the left wing to take away their right to keep and bear arms? They don't. Both handgun licensing bills in Sacramento don't include funding either. The local police authority's will have to pay for it,and end up taking police off of the street to administer it. Is this safety?


New member
The shotgun discharged

If only the shotgun had been properly trained, it wouldn't have "just gone off."

Sheesh. "Friends" like this no one needs. I guess it makes more sense to blame guns than to blame yourself for raising a stupid kid. ("Stand there while I show you this shotgun. Disregard the fact that I have been drinking.")

Does everybody move here to California with the idea of ruining things for those of us who were unfortunate enough to be born here?
