CA Handgun Registration ?

Andy socal

New member
Lets suppose a friend (wink wink) just inherited a handgun that may not have been registered. The handgun is older, but not a relic or antique. How would one go about legally(it is my friend's desire to legally own and posses this firearm)reporting the transfer of this gun under CA laws?

He [
] has the forms for an interfamily transfer of concealable handguns, but not sure whether this situation needs to be handled differently.



New member
I would think three times about complying with an illegal/prelude-to-confiscation registration law. "The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."

On a more general note, I am just amazed at the illegal RKBA infringement crap all you TFL'ers in places like Kali, PRNY, PRNJ, and PRIL put up with. It is truly scary to hear of this stuff. From the perspective of how things are here in Georgia, I feel like you folks in those places are living in a different country. In general, I don't like travelling outside the US. Now I'm beginning to not want to travel within the US, at least to some places.

If it ever gets that bad here, I suspect I'll be moving to Texas. I've heard it said that they rebelled against one united states over the issue of gun control, and they'd do it again.

In the meanwhile, I'll try to do my part to make sure GA doesn't get like those places discussed in para 2.


New member
As I understand it, not having done one, its like a regular transfer only you dont go through a FFL. The paperwork goes straight to DOJ. Also no waiting period. Basically you take possesion, file the paperwork within some specified time frame, if you clear background every thing is hunkeydorey. I dont know what happens if you fail. Probably they isues a warrent.

Go buy "How to own a Gun and Stay Out of Jail" by John Mattinger(?spelling); about $10. Is a real handy Clif Notes of Ca. gun laws. Family transfers are one of the things discussed.


New member
The entire penal code is online at (and other locations). Click legislature, when that comes up click code, then select penal. From section 12078:

(2) Subdivision (d) of Section 12072 shall not apply to the infrequent transfer of a pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable
of being concealed upon the person by gift, bequest, intestate succession, or other means by one individual to another if both individuals are members of the same immediate family and both of the following conditions are met:
(A) The person to whom the firearm is transferred shall, within 30
days of taking possession of the firearm, forward by prepaid mail or
deliver in person to the Department of Justice, a report that
includes information concerning the individual taking possession of
the firearm, how title was obtained and from whom, and a description
of the firearm in question. The report forms that individuals
complete pursuant to this paragraph shall be provided to them by the
Department of Justice.
(B) Prior to taking possession of the firearm, the person taking
title to the firearm shall obtain a basic firearm safety certificate.

(3) As used in this subdivision, "immediate family member" means
any one of the following relationships:
(A) Parent and child.
(B) Grandparent and grandchild.


New member
I agree with Jim R....if they don't ask ...don't tell. I have a friend who moved FROM Tenn. He asked me where he had to go register his hand gun now that he had moved. I told him he did'nt have to register it. He looked at me like I was from Mars. I am not sure if he believes me.


Moderator Emeritus
A friend of mine just moved to Ohio from Pennsylvania. He had a neighbor that was moving and wanted to sell my friend a revolver. The neighbor told my buddy that the handgun wasn't registered, and my buddy decided not to buy it because he didn't know how to get it registered in Ohio.

The thing is, Ohio, like Tennessee, doesn't require registration!

Mr. X brings up a good point. Registration is the law in some states, but many gun owners in other states believe that it is law everywhere. They might think that they are breaking the law by not registering their guns. These people need to be educated. If they don't believe you, have them go to a local gun shop and ask for a handgun registration form. Then they will be the one looked at like they are from Mars.

"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4 Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website