CA assault weapon ? gray area?


New member
There are 3 parts to the law, first part is a list of restricted weapons, second part bans the AR (15) and AK (47) series of weapons, and the third part defines ‘bad features’ that would make a rifle an assault weapon (AW).

Well, I want to buy a Bushmaster M17s bullpup, or/and a Robinsons Armament M96. I called and verbally verified (and wrote and am still waiting for written verification) that both these rifles are not banned by series (AR/AK), and as such they are only AW’s by offending features. The logic remains that an out of state shipper can remove the pistol grip from the M96, and or saw off the pistol grip on the M17s (parallel with the lower portion of the trigger guard) and ship to my local FFL.

So here is problem 1. Special Agent Supervisor Chinn of the DOJ told me that any it is still up the 58 District Attorneys to decide if the rifle is still an AW, regardless of evil features. ***? Can someone clarify this, why and how it can still be an AW if not by features and not by series? Was he snow-jobbing me?

Problem 2 is finding a dealer willing to accept a rifle without the pistol grip attached. Some are worried about getting busted for gray area of some kind…maybe like listed above.


New member
Move to another state case closed

Yeah you'd be better off moving to another state where laws aren't so stupidly strict.


New member
So here is problem 1. Special Agent Supervisor Chinn of the DOJ told me that any it is still up the 58 District Attorneys to decide if the rifle is still an AW, regardless of evil features. ***? Can someone clarify this, why and how it can still be an AW if not by features and not by series? Was he snow-jobbing me?

If you haven't noticed, the entire pile of California gun laws is just one big snow job.

The bottom line is that they don't want you to have any of the scary rifles, regardless of whether you saw off the grip or whatever. Next year it'll be something different, such as non-microstamping firearms, but this year it's scary rifles. They will do whatever is necessary to make sure that if you do own a scary rifle, you will live in constant dread of a five-year prison sentence, regardless of whether or not they ever manage to convict you. If you came to their attention, my bet is they'd look at the screw on the dismembered pistol grip and try to prosecute you under some "readily accept" theory of the law, sort of like a threaded barrel.

They are evil, they have no compunctions, and they have you by the short hairs anyway because you diligently attempt to play their game of laws, rules, and regulations under their threats of harm.

Meanwhile, here in the Free State of New Hampshire, I have a friend who has an MP5, an M-16, and who bought an M-40 grenade launcher at a gun show early this year. He and his wife were arguing over it would be his or hers. That reminds me, I need to call 'em and find out if they were able to find any practice grenades on the market - another machine gun collector we know said they were a bit scarce due to Afghanistan and Iraq.

It might be colder here, but the climate is much better.

roy reali

New member
There is small gun shop in the Nevada town I am living in. On the rack is a preban, AR15, with a collapsable stock and a twenty round magazine. There are no gray areas in the Silver State as far as guns go.:D