C39V2 Barrel Specs


New member
Hey guys,
Another thread got me to wondering about the barrel on my V2. Century Lists the barrel as 4150 Nitrided, and other tubers say it's 4140 Nitrided So which is it? Not that it makes a hill of beans for my use, I'm just curious.

Fal 4 Me

New member
I believe that for the c39v2 the 4150 barrel is an upgrade they made to the 2016 model. The 2015 model used 4140.


New member
Deerslayer303, little off topic but how do you like it. I don't know much about AK's and this particular model caught my eye at a gun show. Thinking about getting one, what do you think?


New member
I love it. This is my first AK so I can't really offer first hand knowledge of how it stacks up against others. I got it because it got great reviews. Now digging a little deeper, I wish I would have waited. Seems the current C39V2 coming out in March has the side accessory rail, whereas mine does not. There is a company making a rail for mine though. The new one also has the 4150 Nitrided Barrel, where mine is 4140 Nitride.


New member
Sweet, I'll look into the barrel thing. Not too concerned with the rail, it's a nice feature for some I guess but I don't see myself mounting optics on it. I saw they make a few dust covers that have rails on top.