

New member
I just received the paperwork to fill out to get my C&R license. I was wondering how many others have one and what benefited you the most from having it.


New member
I applied for and received mine earlier this year. I get a decent discount for reloading supplies from Midway with it.


New member
Thanks KC. I just filled everything out and submitted it. So are they going to mail me more paperwork for me to send in along with a check?


New member
I got one as well. Turn around is pretty quick. Make sure to do a search here on all the comapnies that offer a discount once you get it.

My main reason for getting the C&R was so I could avoid the $25 transfer fee per rifle. I have an addiction to mil surps and I saved a ton of money on the transfer fees, but had to spend some extra money buying a new safe after I went hog wild buying enfields, mausers, mosins, etc...:p

Kinda adouble edged sword to your wallet. You save money on the rifles, but spend extra on the need for extra safes.


New member
Buy one or two C&R rifles, and your $30 is paid for in no transfer fees. Want a Mosin? Have it sent right to your house. Want a CZ52, have it sent right to your house. Ammo for most C&R's is cheap too. $160 can get you a Mosin and 800 rounds of ammo for it, delivered to your doorstep.


New member
The points you listed are the same motivators to me getting mine. I can see myself getting carried away though. K31's, Enfields, Mosins, Mausers, and others just popping up at my doorstep? I love America. :)


New member
I have thought about the idea of having a C&R permit when I get older because of my love for WW2 guns. Of course a FFL would be better, but from what I read on getting an FFL is that you have to actually have a buisness set up and plan on selling guns. I don't want that. I just want to increase my collection for myself without having to go through all the trouble of going through a dealer and paying extra money while the dealer is making a profit off of me.


New member
Maser, why wait? I'd like to beleive that any C&R gun would be CA legal (though, it IS CA ;) ) Get your WW2 stuff while you can, nothing lasts forever. It's $30, for a 3 yr license. Takes a whole 7 minutes to fill out :D


New member
Is two weeks the standard wait time to get the packet? And if I understand it correctly, I have to send one off to my local chief of police?


New member
What is the age requirement for a C&R? Could I get one now (I'll be 20 on the 19th) or do I have to wait another year?


New member
The notification to the Chief LEO is a courtesy. He has no obligation to respond to you or the BATFE. I sent mine to the Police Chief in my city and he called me at work and wanted to know what it was. I told him I would send him a copy of the regulations and he said don't bother. "I trust you".
This is in Northern IL. which is not a bastion of firearm advocates.


New member
'I told him I would send him a copy of the regulations and he said don't bother. "I trust you".'

The advice I got was to send a cover letter explaining what was going on, and especially pointing out that the chief LEO does not need to do anything.



New member
Read the link on how to fill it out. My understanding is the cleo would be who ever responds to your house if you were to call 911. In my case that would be the County Sherrif. Make sure you don't send it to the wrong place. I received my packet in about a week. I'm not done filling it out yet but am pretty close.


New member
MisterPX said:
Maser, why wait? I'd like to beleive that any C&R gun would be CA legal (though, it IS CA ) Get your WW2 stuff while you can, nothing lasts forever. It's $30, for a 3 yr license. Takes a whole 7 minutes to fill out

Don't you have to be 18 to get one? I'm 17.