C & R: Where should I send copies to?


New member

I've started sending copies of my Curios and Relics License out to dealers. Can anyone recommend a list of C&R dealers to whom I should send copies to? I surely don't want to miss anyone, nor do I want to miss out on getting a great gun and/or catalog. A list of 10 businesses would be great.

Please help me get this list together.




New member
You shouldn't be sending out copies until you've actually done business and needed to send it in for some reason. Treat it like a credit card- you don't want just anyone to have a copy of it. There is always the potential that somebody may misuse it.


New member
I don't have a C&R yet, but I've read that if you send a copy to brownells you'll get special dealer pricing trough them. There's another mail order place that also offers discounts but I can't remember the name now.

Check cruffler.com if you haven't already. They may have more suggestions there.


New member
dsk - it's common practice to send your C&R FFL to all of the C&R dealers. That way, they have your license on file, you can call in an order, put it on your credit card, and they ship it out immediately. The down side is that you may wind up with more guns than you bargained for ;) Just remember to NEVER sign your original license and always sign the copies in blue ink so there is no questions of its authenticity.

If somebody else uses your C&R, they are in deep federal #&it.


New member
UH-OH:eek: I signed my original after making a bunch of blank copies.Should I be worried or is it no big deal?


New member
Definitely send your C&R FFL to:

Midway USA http://www.midwayusa.com/
Brownells http://www.brownells.com/Index.html

Both of these companies sell equipment, not firearms. They are two of the biggest businesses in the industry. They will allow you to order this equipment AT DEAL COST if you send them your C&R FFL. Don't wait, do it now. You will be very pleased in the future. ;) Both will send you a catalogue - great bathroom reading!


New member
So far, I've sent copies to Brownell's, Federal Arms, Century Arms, Southern Ohio Gun, and one other, which I don't remember at the moment, but I will be sending out more to those that I've missed that have been mentioned in this thread.




New member
Just curious on the C&R licenses. I've been told that you have to maintain records on your purchases and it is not an FFL to conduct business with.

If you buy a weapon with a C&R license and then later decide to sell said weapon do you have to do the transaction through an FFL dealer, or can a private sale be conducted?

I plan on getting a C&R license and will of course read up on all the regulations, but this question entered my mind.

Good SHooting


New member
Not sure about other states but here in Massachusetts in state private party sales don't need to go through a FFL.


New member
With a C&R, you are an FFL when it comes to C&R eligible firearms, as long as you are not "in the business."

If you want to sell a C&R gun, you may certainly do so. If it's to another collector, you can sell it interstate directly. You may also ship to a regular FFL, just like anyone else. If you're selling to a non-licensee, interstate-the buyer needs to take delivery through a dealer (C&R licensees can't do "transfers"), intrastate-depends on local laws.

My question-Intrastate C&R to C&R (Within CT) - Can this be treated as a normal dealer-to-dealer transfer (just log it), or should we conduct ourselves as private parties to avoid problems with state law. CT requires that private party sales be called in for an authorization number, and that a copy of the transfer for be sent to the state police, another to the local PD of the recipient. (I hate it when the uninformed masses in this state complain about the "gunshow loophole"--there is none!)