New member
Took the 7.5" 357 Redhawk IPSCing, HKS speedloaders, Sparks HSR.

Club (out of state) caters more to the 'run-n-gun' crowd, got some "looks" :rolleyes: if you know what I mean, from the 'racy' bunch, like I'm the ugly child. Or the guy who can't do better with his gear.

But, I don't think I'll be last (only wheel amongst the infidels), and when it started RAINING (did I mention it rained so hard a few were making "should we stop" noises) and you couldn't see your C-More (oxymoron?) I was still loadin' and blastin'. Fast.

Man, I love that gun.

Should admit that I brought my Witness 9x21 racegun (w/ iron sights, natch), too, but when I found out the match was ten-or-more-rd friendly I donned the Redhawk.

Convinced me that the hi-cap totally modern compensated Caspian I recently won deserves a set of MMC's on the back and some kind of blade on the front (on the compensator 'cause it'sa Schuemann HybriComp).


New member

Did I detect a note of disrespect for those finest of revolvers, the Ruger?
(Sharp as a tack I am.)

If you could see the way my trigger finger is shaped (motorcycle) you'd understand why I think Ruger triggers are fine (DA means "double action").
If you could see my targets you'd understand why I think they're accurate (enough).
If you were (not) smart enough to try my test ammo you'd understand completely why I love my Rugers...........;)


New member
Anybody that takes a wheel....any wheel, to an autoshuker party and does well can sit at the table.

Even if they are a young snapwhipper.:D



New member
Congratulations, weshoot2!
It's alwys nice to see a wheelgun go up against the raceguns. A friend of mine once shot an IPSC match with his Blackhawk 45LC, using a spare cylinder for reloads. He didn't come close to winning, but he had a great time. On the opposite side of the issue, a group I used to shoot with would have a "Second gun" match after the scheduled match was over. It was basically the same course of fire, but you had to use a gun with a different action than you shot in the main match. The 1911 shooters would bring DA revolvers, but we once had a genius who figured that by shooting his revover in the main match, he would then be able to use his 1911 in the second match. The course of fire wasn't too complicated, and the only advantage he really had was a slightly faster reload. Of course, someone with that type of mentality wasn't a practiced shot and most of the revolver shooters cleaned his clock. Good choice of holster too!


New member

If I carry it I should actually know how to use it.

I carry it (I carry them all; no, not all at once).
I know how to use it.
I'm gonna use it more (man, I love that gun. Gives me the giggles when that big cylinder gets to rotating.), but I still have to share time with the other (shorter) three. And the autos. And the new one (always takes a few matches to get it tuned in).

But I've used the 7.5" now at three matches (I think) and it is really growing on me.

Did I mention I'm 'makin' Major'? :D