C&R rifles supply and future


New member
I keep seeing that anyone who has recently obtained an 03 FFL is catching the tail end of the surplus rifle glut. At this time I regularly patrol close to 10 different suppliers and the supply of certain rifles has either dried up or there are warnings of "last in stock" or "won't have again". What I would really like to know from those that have been watching this for much longer than myself ... is this just typical marketing strategy where suppliers create the feeling of scarcity with those sentences? I really can't determine from my limited observations whether everything except the M44 and 91/30 has basically run out or if it's just scarce right now and I can expect more availability later.

I've also noticed that my favorite site, Ammunition To Go, has run out of a few things that I had my eye on. They typically have the best selection for my needs and fair prices, even though I pay tax on the purchase. Do I need to stock up now or is ammunition cyclical? I still have a few C&R guns on my list of things to buy. I was going to pick up a few newer rifles first, but if the difference in price between the C&R rifles and new manufacture rifles closes too much I may just pass on them. Thanks for your opinions.


New member
If the supply of Mosins is running out, I would think the prices would be going up. I just bought one for $129.00 with a bore in very good condition. I saw some at a gun show for $95.00.


New member
No, things do run out.

Finnish M39's ran out in the last couple years.
Bulgarian Makarovs ran out very quickly.
Albanian SKS's ran out.


New member
C&R allows you to trade firearms as a collector thats the point of the licenses. The big glut of rifles was cool but everyone knew that it would not last.. The rifles are not gone just in the hands of other collectors.

And many many countries have not yet sold their old rifles and pistols, time will tell if we get them here... But with the rules off supply and demand when the currant "Cheap" rifles are gone we will likely see other stuff fill their place.


New member
There were only so many of everything made in the 40's and before.

The actual "surplus" of "mil-surp" rilfes was used up years ago. What we've been seeing now is just about everything that was left, the countries who are getting rid of their old stockpiles are replacing them with more current "surplus"

just like we are.


New member

Centerfiresystems in Ky. Has an add right at this moment you can buy 1 91/30 for $69 or a whole case of 20 for like $1100