C&R License


New member
I have pretty much gotten to the point where I probably need to apply for my C&R license. I think it would be cheaper and more convenient for me to go that route but I am not sure if I want the hassle. My dad had his FFL when I was a kid but ended up letting it go because all of the regs and etc.

Any of you guys that have your C&R have any comments?



New member
A C&R is not much of a hassle. Just keep your bound book current and that is about it. There is much more paperwork with a 01 FFL. A C&R does not have as much.


New member
What about the firearms that I currently own? Will they have to be included in the book? Modern firearms that I purchase in the future?



New member
Took me way to long to send off for my C&R. I love it now though.
Takes about 10-15 minutes to fill out the paperwork. For your bound book, you just have to log any C&R firearms that you acquire/dispose off after you get your C&R.

Use the C&R for a Mosin=Log it
Bought an AR at the store=No file
Bought a K98 private party=Log it

If the BATFE want to see your book, they'll make an appointment, doesn't have to be at your house, so no knocks at 7 AM wanting to see your book (unless you invited them). You can go to their office, hell, you might do the inspection at a Starbucks.;)


New member
It's not a major deal. The discounts available to C&R holders and the joy of direct delivery of C&R firearms is easily worth the extremely minor inconveniences.

The big thing to remember is that it is a record of your collection during the time the license is valid. If you already have C&R firearms, they do not need to be logged, but each and every acquisition and disposition while the license is in effect needs to be logged. There is always a row over "hey, I didn't use the license to get this, I don't think I should have to log it." The ATF's position is that if the license is valid and you acquire or dispose of any C&R firearm, you need to log that transaction. It's nothing more than a minute of writing.

I've had my C&R for a couple years now, and have not had any issues with it. I don't live in fear of a phone call saying "we want to look at your books," and if they did call, I'd probably just schedule to meet at their office anyway. Some folks obsess over the keeping of any records, but quite honestly, the C&R bound book is not as much info as we need to be keeping for insurance purposes alone anyway. We 03 FFLs are a law abiding bunch and the ATF knows it, so we're left pretty well alone. Just note the limitations on your license and stay within them (you can't order stuff to transfer to another- it's for your use and yours alone).


New member
I do appreciate all of comments. I think I will send in an application in a few months after we move into our new home. I already have an SBR so the possibility of a knock at the door is already there. But who cares, everything I have is legal and if the ATF want to come over to hang out and watch TV, that is fine too. I would even buy the beer. ;)

Thanks again,


New member
Yep- I've had mine for a few years, and I love it. Get it and follow the rules, and there is no reason to worry about the ATF.

moose fat

New member
There you go, you already know. I got mine just to buy one rifle, but since then I've gotten three more. So easy its scarry.:eek: