C&R License Application Question...

I'm filling out my FFL C&R license (that I promptly received from BATFE, surprisingly) and I have a couple of questions:

1. For item 15, it's the signature block certifying that your info is correct, etc. Next to your signature they have a block that's labeled "Title". What do they want filled out here? I'm applying as an individual, not partnership or corporation. Do they want a job title or what?

2. On the back of the application on step #3 of the process they instruct you to submit Copy 2 of the form to my Chief Law Enforcement Officer. I'm glad to do this, but on the Copy 2 form next to item #1 (Applicant's full name) there's an unnumbered block that states "For ATF Use Only". Do I need to send in the Copy 2 to the ATF for them to finish the application and then they send this back to me to give to my CLEO?

Thanks in advance...


New member
On question #1 they want your title...ie ....owner, individual ect....if not a company I put individual....

for question #2 nope just fill it out and send or take it to the Chief LEO....
I took mine to the local sherriff office and handed it in at the desk in and evelope with ATTN and his name.
Hope this helps, took 3 weeks to get mine
Thanks, Buzzard. I thought that's what it meant. But, I wanted to make sure. Government documents, you know...
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New member
+1 to what Buzzard said, except I happen to have put "self", and mailed my CLEO his copy instead of delivered, but both are just individual preferance.