C Press recommendations?


New member
I've been using a C-H C press for 40 years. It's time for a new one. Not interested in a Dillon or other expensive because they cost half a months pension check. I used to see a lot of ads in Shotgun News etc but those seem to have gone away. Anybody have a recommendation for a $100 or less press?


New member
I have an old CH press that my Dad gave me for a birthday around 1962 +/-. It still is tight and works great. It will work long after I stop working. I have used Lee products and find them anywhere from ok to great. I picked up one of their cheap single stage presses one time to knock out primers. It works fine, but as you might expect it is no heavy weight and is no way as well built as the RCBS stuff. Then again, how much can you expect to get for $20.00 +/-. I poped for the money and got a RCBS Rockchucker and like it just fine, unfortunatly it is more than your $100.00 limit. Good luck


New member
Watch e-bay for the RCBS Rockchucker. BTW, is the C&H worn out? I bought one in the 60s and still have it. In fact, I'm not sure why I quit using it and bought a Rockchucker....


New member
Hi BeenThere,
I've been there too. Started serious reloading in 1964 with a C-H three station H press. Made the mistake of letting a friend talk me into selling it to him. It was later stolen.

Best two single station press choices today in my opinion are the:
1) RCBS Rock Chucker ($99.99 from Midway)
2) Hornady LNL Classic ($108 from Midway)

Both are great presses. You should hope to live long enough to wear either of them out.

Good shooting and be safe.

ps: Would not recommend the RCBS Partner as it is more light duty. For the difference go, with the heavier RCBS or Hornady press and never have to replace your press again.


New member
presses for under $100

If you look around you might be able to find one of the new Lee Classic Cast presses for under a $100. I bought one last month. It's all steel and iron. I can't picture wearing that puppy out unless you did massive amounts .50BMG. A long throw but the lever is adjustable so if you don't need the leverage you can choke it up. People complain Lee presses are too light. This one for sure isn't.

Smokey Joe

New member
Go used!

Gun shows, e-bay, Gunbroker.com and the like, and even some sptg. gds. stores occasionally have used single-stage heavy duty presses. Go heavy duty (RCBS rockchucker is the gold standard, but each of the reloading equip. manufacturers makes one similar, and any of them will--as pointed out above, outlast you.)

Sgl. stage reloading presses are one of those lovely uncomplicated things where if they are right it's obvious, and if something is wrong, that is also obvious, and you can tell the difference with a couple minutes of careful examination.

A used press will cost you well under your C-note limit.
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New member
Look for an older Pacific Multi-Power. They are about the same as the Hornady 007. Better leverage than a Rock Chucker and I bought mine used for $20 about 5 years ago. Takes standard shellholders and all parts still available from Hornady. :D


Beenthere, you know there are good ones to choose from and I going to sound arrogant because I am convinced the best one under $100 is the one I own, just like everyone else. If you're not going to load .50 Cal, I think I have the best Single Stage made and I researched quite a bit and considered a Progressive since I had been through several presses at that point. I went for the REDDING Boss because I just couldn't let go of the Top-Dead-Center feature, which is a very heavy roll pin that runs horizontally thru the press. Top of Ramstroke is stopped consistently at the same point time after time. Had mine since 98 and I just don't think there is better. There is no bushing like the Rockchucker that you can remove to convert to semi-progressive or adapt to Hornady Lock-N-Load. No matter, I use REDDING DIES mostly, anyway. I do not use any competition seating dies and yet my OAL tolerances are +/- .001" Rifle and Pistol. It is not as big as the Ultra-Mag, but I have no problems with rifle cases and the largest I reload are all .30-06 class, so hence , the advisement on .50 Cal, Since your an older hand than I am at this, I doubt your agonizing over the potential loss of that feature! ;)