
New member
I cant believe it, I am sitting here watching, of all things Stargate SG-1, on the Sci-Fi channel and a security guard on the show is carrying a COP.

I know, no real question or topic I just found it funny and if I woke my wife to tell her she may get a little upset, she wouldnt see the humor in it anyway.



New member
I'm assuming you're talking about the 4-barrel derringer chambered in .357 mag that was floating around in the '70s.


New member
I saw the same episode and noticed the gun as well. The security guard was on another planet and was portrayed as being a bit of an oddball. I guess that's the reason for the four barreled pistol.


New member
When I was a Ranger, one of our farmers owned one of those, and I had a chance to shoot it.

Heavy, unwieldy, horrible lack of accuracy, and trigger pull were the impressions that stuck with me. My Model 19-2, and stainless Detonics also stuck with me :D


New member
The COP showed up alot on the new Battle star galactica series as well, along with Makrovs and other, what hollowood types, think are exotic guns...:cool: