BWW Gun Ban Boycott


New member
It has just been brought to my attention that Buffalo Wild Wings has made a corporate decision to ban all firearms on their property in the name of "consumer safety". This is, of course, completely their right as a business; and since signs hold no force of law in my state, this would minimally impact me while carrying concealed, but since I try to be a man of principle, this doesn't sit well with me. After seeing other industry leaders stand up for gun rights, or even just defer to national and state regulation on the matter, I am inclined to notify them of my intentions to boycott their establishment entirely until they are forced to re-evaluate their lack of thought on the matter.

I have drafted an e-mail below and sent it to their corporate office. Since, I am but one man, with a small family; I was hoping there was some re-enforcement to be had on here. Anybody with me?:

Dear Boardmember,

I have been a loyal customer of yours for over 10 years and have shared many occasions with friends and family at your establishment. I have enjoyed both your food and pleasant environment and would like to continue that relationship in the future.

However, it has been brought to my attention that the Corporate Board has made a decision to outlaw firearms in your restaurants. As a law-abiding gun-owner, I was saddened and disappointed to hear your business take this political stance instead of deferring to local/state/federal regulation as has always been my understanding. As we all know, banning firearms serves neither to reduce crime or provide any added safety, but only serves to disarm the law abiding, and potentially put your patrons at a higher risk for violent crime as we have seen happen recently with high-profile Free Fire (Gun-Free) Zones being targeted for these mass killings.

As a law-abiding gun owner, I have no choice to but to boycott your establishment and advise the rest of the gun-owning community to do the same. If it is your corporate policy, then we will have no other option but to take our weekly football/basketball, fantasy team drafts, Superbowl, World Series, MMA Fight Night, and spur-of-the moment business elsewhere.

In closing, I hope that you re-think your policy and we can resume a mutually beneficial and long-standing professional relationship.



New member
Yea, I just wrote to them. Told them;

"With all the lasted news about shootings in gun-free areas like schools and movie theaters, I could only surmise their intention was to make a "pop-up-target" out of my family and I. I was a customer"


New member
Done...told them I had enjoyed their stuff but would not be able to return as I am not willing to put my family at risk in their gun free zones.

I was a good tipper too...


New member
Even though I have never eaten there I submitted a nice letter informing them my family and I regret their decision and will no longer be eating there as of today.


New member
Their food sucked anyway. No big loss for me. For every one restaurant that bans guns, there's 10, with better food, that allow it. I'd rather support those 10 that support me, than give a rats patootie about the 1 that doesn't.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
In TX - they will have to put up a large and obnoxious sign. I'll go by on the way home and see if they do that.

A ghostbuster gun sign won't do.


New member
In Texas unless they post the proper specification signage, corporate policies are of no consequence to a license holder. Unless its a 51% establisment.

A no guns sign holds no legal water.


New member
In Texas unless they post the proper specification signage, corporate policies are of no consequence to a license holder. Unless its a 51% establisment.

Has anyone ever heard of a place falsely claiming to be a "51%" establishment?, rather than putting up the full "official" no-guns sign?

I've been to the Kimball Art Museum in Fort Worth many times, and while their buffet restaurant *does* serve alcohol, I can't think that I've ever actually seen anybody order alcohol there, and considering what they charge for food, I can't believe that they're actually making 51% of their income from alcohol sales.


New member
Has anyone ever heard of a place falsely claiming to be a "51%" establishment?, rather than putting up the full "official" no-guns sign?
If you don't believe that another legislative code could possibility rival NY firearms law in complexity, arbitrariness, and over-zealous bureaucratic absurdity, read the TABC regulations. :rolleyes:

There's a reason why nightclubs in TX will charge $15 cover and sell drinks for $1. No business owner would want his/her establishment to be classified as 51% unless it's unavoidable.


New member
rickyrick said:
Glenn beat me
Damn that must have been a hell of an infraction

30.06 signage for Tejas

It's gotta be very visible. The link goes into more details

Sec. 30.06. TRESPASS BY HOLDER OF LICENSE TO CARRY CONCEALED HANDGUN. (a) A license holder commits an offense if the license holder:
(1) carries a handgun under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code, on property of another without effective consent; and
(2) received notice that:
(A) entry on the property by a license holder with a concealed handgun was forbidden; or
(B) remaining on the property with a concealed handgun was forbidden and failed to depart.


I wouldn't carry in a BWW because I'm usually swilling mass quantities of beer when I'm there :cool:

But, I understand the principle of not going there. I haven't been to a BWW in several years, anyway. There are much better bars here with much better food and much better drink.
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New member
30.06 signs I've only seen a hospitals, although they may be on other places. I've seen a few 51% signs but restaurants that have bars usually don't have them.