Buying Pistol ammo at "Dicks" on LI


New member
Had a really exhasperating experience tonight buying some pistol ammo at the Dicks in Huntington. They were having a sale on 9mm all week and I called ahead to make sure it was there, and had a case put aside for me.

So I walk up to the counter in the back where the gun stuff is and there is this middle age guy with a white beard. He gives me a look before we even have one word of interaction that says "I'm busy but I'll do you a favor" right off the bat. I say I'm here for a case of 9mm ammo and he says "lemme see your pistol license".

Now I don't have a problem with that, it's happened before. Not good enough for this clown. I have 13 handguns, so I have two pages of pistol license. I hand him the first page which has the photo ID on it and lists about 8 guns. The 9mm wasn't on this page. He says "I can't sell you the ammo, you don't have a 9mm gun". I say what the hell are you talking about, I don't have to own a 9mm to buy 9mm ammo. He says "yes you do, it's the law". I said BS, <deleted> it's NOT the law. Besides, I own a 9mm it's on the second page of my license. I show him that page, and he looks all disappointed he didn't "catch" somebody trying to buy ammo.

Now I'm really mad at this wannabe cop telling me it's the law and I know he's wrong. At Dicks they have to walk the ammo up to the front counter, 'cause you can't be trusted to take it there yourself, you might steal it or shoot somebody. The whole way up he is lecturing me on the 'law" and how he doesn't even have to sell the ammo to "wiseguys" if he doesn't want to.

I'm telling you, I was livid. I would have told him to shove it, but at $8.95 a box on sale I really wanted the ammo for a range trip this weekend. We get to the counter and he gives me the ultra condescending "have a nice day". I couldn't resist responding with an obscenity. I was hoping he turned and was going to mix it up right there, I swear.

I'll never walk into a Dicks as long as I live after being treated like a criminal there. I don't care if they are giving it away. I tell you NY is so messed up with the way honest LICENSED handgun owners are treated. And you have to deal with idiots like this wannabe rent-a-cop.
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Must be some kinda NY law. In a SC Dick's, you walk up, tell the guy what you want, then take it to the checkout yourself. They DO have to walk guns up, though.


New member
It seems to me that if you were going to Dicks to shoot somebody, that you would bring your ammo with you.;)

Just a thought. :D

Regardless, more anti gun crap to make your day.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Must be some kinda NY law.

I never heard of such a thing in NY. When we buy ammo the computer asks "Is this for a handgun? and "Is the purchaser 21 or older?".

What's funny is that in every experience I've had the cashier pushes no then yes without even asking.:D

To the OP:

It is best to hold your tongue and ask for a manager. That guy should be thoroughly schooled in customer service and basic etiquette , if not fired. I know it's hard to not say something back to him but it severely weakens your case if the employee can say your being an ***hole too.


New member
Still no reason to be a doucher about it on your part. If I was the employee, I would have derived even more pleasure out of your "parting shot". There's no reason to talk to anyone the way you did in a public setting and over something like that.

There are plenty of idiots in the world and there aren't enough "smart" people to fill all of the $8.00 an hour customer service jobs, so at some point you are going to have to come to terms with that.


New member
A few years a go I bought a shotgun at Dicks.. It took 3 trips to the store as there is only one employee who can sell the damned things and he was NEVER on duty. Then of course, I had to wait the 24 hour cooling off period before I could actually take posession...never mind that he did an instant background check.. in the Peoples Republic of Illinois, you wait 24 hours for a long gun and 36 hours for a handgun... that of course means, that you have to be 3 times madder at someone to shoot them with a pistol as with a shotgun..or something like that..
Then I got escorted to the counter to pay for it and on the way, I wasn't even allowed to carry it, just follow along like a puppy..
I am a charter member of the "never again club".. I saved a few bucks on the price over my local gunshop, paid dearly in elevated B/P


New member
My recent experience with Dick's was somewhat different.

5:00 AM, Black Friday. I was at the local Dick's as the door opened in order to get the extra $50 off of the Marlin 336 that I've had my eye on for my Xmas present from SWMBO (who was along with) to me. The counter help was actually nice. The only issue was that the NICS computer system was down and wouldn't be online until 6:00, so I had to wait around for that. Not their fault, and they were apologetic about it. Yes, they had to hand walk the gun down to the register and then out the door, but the guy who was tasked to do it was polite. As were SWMBO and I.

Maybe the NY Dick's staff needs to take customer relations lessons from the TX Dick's staff.


New member
You found an <deleted> on Long Island? I AM SHOCKED! SHOCKED I TELL YOU! :rolleyes:

I travel throughout the country and most people in the northeast wonder why I live in the Midwest. This is exactly the reason why. Running into an <deleted> working in customer service is a rarity here, not the norm. We also don't trample people to death to beat our fellow consumer to the sale. :(

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New member
i think id have to have a chat with the manager after that one.
__________________ <---MUST READ
I live just outside Springfield, Illinois, state capitol of the Peoples Republic... I know about Obama and guns.. this ain't nothin new, and as the man said "you ain't seen nuttin yet"
It ain't over boys... its just gettin started ..... Heller was just the warm up



New member
I buy about a dozen guns a year. The biggest hassle I have ever experienced in purchasing a gun was a 22 rifle at Dicks. I wont bore you with the details but one problem was I had a beard which I didnt have on my photo ID. At one point I was surrounded by the store manager, the gun dept manager and 3 other male employees, I assume they were ready to physically subdue me if I got violent. I ended up finally getting the rifle and as I was escorted out the manager told me that he and the department manager were ex-cops and I had aroused their suspicion. I told ther manager they could never have picked a more appropriate name for their establishment. I will :mad:never set foot in a DICKS again and I will bad mouth that chickens---t outfit to anyone who will listen.:mad:


New member
I never had a problem at Dicks. The guy usually handling the gun counter is a shooter, and always happy to help out. Once at Walmart,I was getting 9mm ammo, I was asked for a pistol permit before I had one but I have a keltec 9mm carbine, so I told him thats what its for and they make many 9mm rifles. That pretty much ended the controversy and I left with my ammo. Its luck of the draw at 'department stores' but $9 a box for quality ammo I guess is worth the hassle unless you are in NY!


New member
I have been to 3 different Dick's stores within the last 2 weeks or so. Don't know why I bother, other than it is one of the few places that I can get a break on ammo when I need somethin special.

Just last night when at a meeting, someone asked about Dicks ammo sale. I simply stated....Dick's are Dick's, and that will never change! A few were surprised that I would say such a thing in mixed company, but after they all thought about it (some were a little slow) they all came around and agreeded with me.

However, on my last 3 trips, I think I had much better clerks who knew something and was actually polite (much more than usual).
Maybe they do have a customer service training program to teach the employees how to be good little Joe's rather just big Dick's. If they had to survive on mostly gun and ammo sales to keep the place open, I think there would be less Dicks in our world. Last I knew, they didn't sell shoes/boots larger than size 11. Ask for a 13 1/2 or 14 and they give you that one eyed look!

I too use the 9mm and .40 carbine story to get pistol ammo from behind the counter at other box stores. They too give ya the one eye look and don't know if your b-s in them or not. :confused:


New member
I lived on Long Island for for a long time, before relocating to South Carolina.

It was very challenging at times to purchase pistol ammo. Even back to the times when Edlemans (remember them?) was open, they would ask you for your licenes, and kinda give you that bad feeling that you were doing something sub standard. Makes you wonder, where the bad guys get ammo from.
I use to think that it was like that everywhere, untill I moved here. I was amazed that you (a law abiding citizen) could purchace a hand gun and ammo across the counter. The salesman will even tell you thank you, and ya'll come back and see us.


New member
People with attitude and a chip on their shoulder (like the salesman) is th reason I left the northeast US of A a long, long time ago. IMHO life is too short to have to put up with that type of attitude.


New member
gotta love penna

take a trip to any ammo store in pa, no checks no limits, no oasis in the NE


New member
Not Dick's specific.

This is a pretty normal thing in NYS. I have been buying ammo for my handguns in NY for years, and I get asked to show my CCW permit (which in NY lists guns by caliber/make/model/serial#) and then I can buy ammo.
Now I just explain that the ammo is for my "Marlin Camp Nine" or my "Thompson Encore .357 magnum" or the really nice ".45ACP Uzi carbine".
Let the record show that I own none of these guns, but it passes muster every time.
Sorry state my beloved NY is.