buying multiple guns at the same time.


New member
How much of a hassle would it be to buy three guns from the same dealer at the same purchase.

Is there a law against it or just a lot of extra hassle involved.:confused:


New member
IIRC, you only need a single 4473 for that, so there would be less hassle per gun than buying 3 guns on 3 separate days.

As I remember...


New member
The dealer sends a multiple purchase form to ATF. No big deal if you do it infrequently. If you do it several times a year or from multiple dealers, ATF might come and talk to you.


The dealer sends a multiple purchase form to ATF. No big deal if you do it infrequently. If you do it several times a year or from multiple dealers, ATF might come and talk to you.

Can someone who REALLY knows clarify this? I've read that muliple handgun purchases within 5 business days from the same dealer are reported to the ATF. My dealer also told me that any firearm of 7.62 caliber or larger is reported to the ATF.

What does the ATF do with this information? I thought it was illegal to compile lists of people and their purchases?

Should someone intending to buy multiple guns buy them from different shops?


New member
What would we talk about? I don't get the whole, the ATF will come talk to me bit. What are they going to say "you bought a bunch of guns?" "um yes I did thanks for asking."


New member
Can someone who REALLY knows clarify this?

Perhaps you should rephrase to request could someone post the statute covering this issue. :rolleyes:

§ 923 Licensing.

(g)(3) (A) Each licensee shall prepare a report of multiple sales or other dispositions whenever the licensee sells or otherwise disposes of, at one time or during any five consecutive business days, two or more pistols, or revolvers, or any combination of pistols and revolvers totaling two or more, to an unlicensed person. The report shall be prepared on a form specified by the Attorney General and forwarded to the office specified thereon and to the department of State police or State law enforcement agency of the State or local law enforcement agency of the local jurisdiction in which the sale or other disposition took place, not later than the close of business on the day that the multiple sale or other disposition occurs.

And if you REALLY, REALLY want to know, the form they send in as ATF FORM 3310.4

What would we talk about? I don't get the whole, the ATF will come talk to me bit.

If you are buying lots of guns over a short period of time, they are going to come see what is going on. If all the guns are in your gun safe, no problem. If you bought 10 handguns in a week and turned around and sold them to other folks the next week, ATF would like to know what you are doing.
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My dealer also told me that any firearm of 7.62 caliber or larger is reported to the ATF.
Have you posted this elsewhere--maybe on another forum? That's the second time in a couple of days I've seen someone mention that their dealer told them this. I'm pretty sure it's not true, but it's interesting that it keeps coming up.


§ 923 Licensing.

(g)(3) (A) Each licensee shall prepare a report of multiple sales or other dispositions whenever the licensee sells or otherwise disposes of, at one time or during any five consecutive business days, two or more pistols, or revolvers, or any combination of pistols and revolvers totaling two or more, to an unlicensed person. The report shall be prepared on a form specified by the Attorney General and forwarded to the office specified thereon and to the department of State police or State law enforcement agency of the State or local law enforcement agency of the local jurisdiction in which the sale or other disposition took place, not later than the close of business on the day that the multiple sale or other disposition occurs.

Yes- this is exactly what I read. But it's not clear what HAPPENS to this report. How long is it kept. And for what reasons?

Have you posted this elsewhere--maybe on another forum? That's the second time in a couple of days I've seen someone mention that their dealer told them this. I'm pretty sure it's not true, but it's interesting that it keeps coming up.

Yes - but the thread was closed because it appeared that some people misunderstood that I meant AMMUNITION and not RIFLE - and mockery ensued.

It's valuable to clear up these misconceptions that dealers are telling people. If that's not true I'm going back to my gun dealer and tell him he's full of S***. And then take my business elsewhere.


New member
Only 2 or more habdguns purchased at the same time from a dealer require a multiple-purchase report. 117 long guns bought at the same time as a single hand gun would NOT require reporting as amuktiple sale.


New member
shortly after "THE DAY" :rolleyes: a guy at my local range(big oil company exec) started buying up guns. before Nov he had 3 guns, 1 revolver, i shotgun, 1 rifle.

by end of December he had 21 guns(18 from the range shop).

2 atf agents came to the range gun shop and met him while he was picking up his latest purchase. a short questioning issued, warrants and lawyers wrath were threatened.

the atf agents went away, and supposedly(the first part is verified by the gun shop owner and a few customers) a summons was issued. supposedly judge said either open up your safe, or bring the guns here for the agents to verify. he brought them to the courthouse.

no charges were pressed cause i often see him at the range blasting away.


New member
2 atf agents came to the range gun shop and met him while he was picking up his latest purchase. a short questioning issued, warrants and lawyers wrath were threatened.

Good for him. The ATF has no more right to violate your constitutional rights than the FBI.

IMO, giving government agencies leeway to invade our privacy at will and without warrants diminishes the power of the 4th amendment. We should look at the second and tenth amendments if we need examples of how damaging giving in just a little can be.


New member
Ok so if i buy one revolver,one semi-auto and a carbine then it will have to go through the atf,right.Is there going to be a extra wait befor i can pick them up or the standard phone call and a few minutes of my time.

Btw thanks for all the responses.:D


New member
But it's not clear what HAPPENS to this report. How long is it kept. And for what reasons?

(g)(3)(B) Except in the case of forms and contents thereof regarding a purchaser who is prohibited by subsection (g) or (n) of section 922 of this title from receipt of a firearm, the department of State police or State law enforcement agency or local law enforcement agency of the local jurisdiction shall not disclose any such form or the contents thereof to any person or entity, and shall destroy each such form and any record of the contents thereof no more than 20 days from the date such form is received. No later than the date that is 6 months after the effective date of this subparagraph, and at the end of each 6-month period thereafter, the department of State police or State law enforcement agency or local law enforcement agency of the local jurisdiction shall certify to the Attorney General of the United States that no disclosure contrary to this subparagraph has been made and that all forms and any record of the contents thereof have been destroyed as provided in this subparagraph.

There is no mention of what ATF does with their forms.

Uncle Buck

New member
I purchased three pistols, two revolvers and a semi, from the same shop about a year ago. I know the dealer said something about having to report it, but I did not care.

I took them home and here they remain. Cute as kittens and snuggled in the safe like puppies nursing. Never heard from anyone about the purchases and I have bought multiple firearms, usually two at a time, since then.

Maybe Missouri is not considered a "problem" state, I do not know, when it comes to transferring guns to stupid criminals.

^^^ As an aside to that statement, isn't it funny the more they try to outlaw guns, the more money they have spend tracking people and guns?


New member
The only time I've bought more than 1 pistol at a time it was two CZ52s. I used my C&R, so the dealer should not have had to fill out the Form. He did not mention anything, so I assume he did not fill one out.

Maybe Missouri is not considered a "problem" state, I do not know, when it comes to transferring guns to stupid criminals.
I think it has less to do with Missouri and more to do with quantity. If you were to buy 10 handguns at once, I'm pretty sure you would get a "friendly" call.

Uncle Buck

New member
Your probably correct about the quantity. After all, St. Louis is also in Missouri (Although I do try to forget that) and they have a lot of gun related violence there.


New member
I wonder how this works as an inheritance? A couple years ago I inherited four handguns that belonged to my late Father. The executor of the will sent them to a FFL near me and I picked them up. I had to fill out the form and wait for the instant check just like I was buying them. The FFL didn’t say anything about having to notify the BATFE about multiple handguns, so is an inheritance exempt from this?