Buying an S&W Model 1955 (or 25-2)


New member
I'm putting this on layaway tomorrow, and I'm trying to do a little research on it. The barrel says "Model of 1955" but the inside of the frame (where the model # usually is) says 25-2. What's the deal?

I've been keeping an eye out for a .45ACP revolver for a while, and all I've seen is a couple of 5-inch 625s and a Thunder Ranch M22, neither of which is what I want. This has a 6 1/2-inch barrel, but between the square butt and target grips and the lack of a full underlug, this one actually balances better and points more naturally for me.

Hammer It

New member
There was a Batch of those made with the barrels Mis Marked like the One you speak of. They are a fine revolver and the Barrel markings refer to a Newer adition in .45 ACP as they Offered the Originals in .45 Colt as well, and that Barrel is the same barrel Placed on the .45 Colts. S&W does not throw away parts and exausted their supply of barrels this way. Here is a model in .45 Colt that is later issue being marked 25-5. I hope this helps, Hammer It




New member
Serious revolver envy going on here in New York...

I think 25 in .45acp is one heck of a nice revolver, I wasn't sure I would like the larger N frame, being so used to K framed revolvers but I am in love with them now.

hammer it, thanks for your advice on the 25 and the k-38 that we Pm'd about. I didn't buy either one but have visited several places in search of just the ' right ' one or two to get. I have a feeling that one of each will soon find its way into my collection, as soon as I buy a HS victor that has popped up locally...

Hammer It

New member
Hammer, that's beautiful. Did they recess the chambers on those?

No, They Only recess the .22's and Magnum Calibers. This one is Pinned and was shipped in 1978. They stopped Pinning and recessing in 1982 or there around that date. Hammer It

Jim Watson

New member
The barrel is not mismarked and there is nothing unusual about the gun.
In 1955 S&W introduced the Model of 1955 as an improvement on the Model of 1950, with heavy barrel, target hammer, and target trigger. They did not assign model numbers until 1957 when the Model of 1955 became the Model 25. A couple of engineering changes over the next few years and it became Model 25-2; the most common variant. But they kept the Model of 1955 barrel stamp.

There was a batch of guns mismarked Model of 1950 on a 1955/25 heavy barrel but they did so many of them before they caught the mistake that there is no great value to the error. I have never seen mismarked guns get the interest that error coins or stamps do, anyhow.

Hammer It

New member
The barrel is not mismarked

There were reported around 100 with barrels marked incorrectly roll Marked as .45 Cal. Model of 1950. That is what I meant and S&W did use their earlier supply of barrels from the model that Preceded this. the Model of 1950 . The 25-2 Came after the Barrel was made and this dash series was released in 1962 so it would have had the Model Number stamped in the crane which S&W started in 1957, and be correct wearing the barrel Markings Model of 1955.. Hammer It.


New member
In case there is some confusion for some the Model of 1950 and the Model of 1955 are 2 different models both of which are .45 caliber. The Model of 1950 has the classic tapered barrel and was known as the Light Target model. When the numerical system was started it became the M26. As mentioned in the other posts the Model of 1955 has a heavy barrel and became the M25.

Jim Watson

New member
I saw enough of those M25s marked Model 1950 in person and advertised for sale at little or no advance in price that I suspect there were more than a hundred with the wrong roll mark.


Member In Memoriam
It's worth commenting that regardless of the roll marks or nomenclature, that the M 25-2 S&W is one FIIIINE revolver, and worth buying. Mine handles 200 gr. H&G wadcutters as if it were the fine target revolver it was meant to be (I have a rested target shot at 50 meters that shows five shots in one horizontally elongated hole) and heavy-weight Keith bullets like the hunting/defense gun it COULD be. They don't make 'em like that any more...if you have one, hold on to it!!!


New member
A local shop has one of those that's been hard-chromed by the previous owner if anyone's interested. Comes with box and papers and price is $800 I think.


New member
Well, it's officially on layaway. It'll be a couple of months, unfortunately, as I'm a little lean right now. I am excited! I have a feeling this is going to be my new favorite gun.:D

Hammer It

New member
Hello Glockopop
I am sure it will be. ;) I took mine to the range yesterday and tried a Load using Hogdens Universal Powder. It did real well leaving one ragged hole with 40 rounds at the 17 yard Line the size of a 50 cent Piece. :p I did observe some Unburned Powder though, and the Primers were not showing any Flatness so next time I will add a Magnum Primer to see if it cleans the round up and Burns all the Powder. This round is very Pleasant to shoot with Mild Medium recoil and a Deep Rumbling thunder report Best regards, Hammer It.