Buy stock in gun manufacturers?


New member
I am considering investing some $$$ in the stock of U.S. firearms manufacturers. Does anyone have any information on who the parent companies are and which ones are even traded. The purchase would not be investment reasons but rather for RKBA protection, I believe if we all purchased a little stock they would have to listen to us, if not WE would remove them and replace the management with those that share our views. Please give me your comments.



New member
Ruger (RGR) is the only one I know of that is public. Now that the old man has retired, it might not be a bad idea.


New member
IMHO you should invest to make money.

SOMEONE will always own the shares of ruger etc.

Fight for RKBA some other way.

But from a financial standpoint, gun-making businesses are a dead end. Their long-term outlook is nonexistant. US gun manufacturers are sized such that they supply civilians; but that will decline as regulations make purchases difficult (discouraging participation) to impossible.

S&W is probably the worst of these - they sell only handgun (you can kiss THAT goodbye), and their only decent models are revolvers that are falling out of favor with cops anyway (only future market).

But what if the gun laws turn around? Yeah, right; but even if they did the market is pretty stagnant. . . . guns last a long time and people who would want to own guns anyway (few) eventually have more guns than they know what to do with and won't buy as many.



New member
Isn't it worth a shot?


Doesn't that make even more sense to have a voice within the company? Seems to me if every gun owner sent one years dues to the NRA and purchased stock in ine gun manufacturer we would be electing at least a couple of the directors. With that kind of voice they would listen. Do not misunderstand, I am talking about in addition to the NRA dues, not in place of. The RTKBA organizations are the #1 way to protect our rights, I am just looking for more ways.



New member
Ruger stock has been pounded lately due to a slump in their golf club business.

As far as new markets, unless you get more shall issue states - don't expect a big expansion in civilian purchases.