buy or pass


New member
I stopped by the local pawn shops today while all the other yahoos were fighting the crowds at the malls and wallie world. I ran into three guns that peaked my interest:

Savage 110 (pre-accutrigger) in 300 WSM with 3x9x50 Nikon Buckmaster for $350

Mossberg 100 (if think) Youth with adjustable stock (via spacers) with Tasco scope (at least it had base and rings too) for $249; and

Mossberg SSI One (with another Tasco) in .243. This one was like new and the guy wanted $250.

While not spectacular, these look like a good deal. The Mossberg really favors the Ruger 1....guess it was a sort of knockoff. I have the $250 and could use a .243

Any suggestions or opinions on these? Thanks for your time.


New member
Not a big fan of the Mossbergs, but to be fair I don't have much experience with them. I would vote for the Savage, but 300WSM is definitely more than cartridge than you need if you are looking for a .243.

I've done some weekend-warrior type work on my Stevens (no accutrigger) and have been very happy with the results. If you don't mind a project or two, the Savage is the way to go. Not a bad scope (but certainly not the best!) either.

sc outdoorsman

New member
I have not shot the Mossberg but I handled one when I was looking to get my son a rifle last year. I passed on it because imho it didnt compare well quality wise to other rifles I own. I cant really point to one piece and say that's the problem. It is more like comparing something disposable to something that is made to last a lifetime.

If the the .300 WSM is a little too much, I would look into a Stevens 200 in the caliber of your choice or a package Savage rifle at walmart. The Stevens is a quality barebones Savage that can be had for around $300 locally and the Savage package rifles are around $400 at walmart.


New member
Buy the savage! If you don't like the caliber, maybe ill trade ya barrels and bolt heads.. (I have a 24" .308 win heavy barrel.) Savage barrels can be changed out with a barrel wrench and a headspace gauge. There super nice rifles and shoot fantastically. Really though, if you do buy the savage and want to trade barrels later on, keep me in mind. Brian.