Buy gun at Gun Show?


New member
Sure would if I could find one not worn out and NOT priced 50% above retail...
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New member
Would you buy a gun from a gun show?

Would you buy a USED gun from a gun show?

What reasons are there not to buy guns at a gun show? Am I correct in assuming you have never been to one to see how they are operated?


New member
First do my homework and see what a fair market value for the gun before going to the gunshow.

I havent been to a gunshow in a long time because I have been able to get the prices I want online or at the gun dealer.


New member
Yes I meant NOT 50% above retail. There's one across the street from my house this weekend, just not sure I'll waste the time and money as the last one was real bad.

I may hang out by the door and see if I can do some trading with the walkers tho...


New member
The gun show is a great place to go to be able to fondle most any new gun you may have an interest in. Most gun shops carry a limited inventory and may not have several I'm interested in examining. Same with the used guns.

I've found some pretty good deals on guns and ammo. I've found a few holsters and mags along the way too. The holy grail of mags for me is the Walther TPH .22, and POW, there it is...setting in a display case of some obscure gun guy...waiting, just for me, and at a price I'll pay! Made my day.

My last show provided a FN 5.7 pistol for $700. That's a good price. I found ammo for it for $15/box. That's a very good price. You never know what you'll find.

You only need prepare yourself to have a good time, enjoy the sights and scenery and go with a good attitude. Do not expect to find Hitler's PPK for $235. Ain't gonna happen. But maybe you'll find something like a S&W K22 in perfect shape for $350. Ahhhh, that's the excitement!

It was at a gun show that I was first able to fondle a HK P7. Thank you God! Use the show to increase your knowedge, find an occational trophy and just enjoy the day. Have fun.:D


New member
Why not ? they are licenced dealers !

Nope. At least down here they aren't all. Anybody with a private collection can pay the fee to the show organizer and set up a table. Also, many people walk around with guns they are trying to sell (been there done that).
I have before ( bought at a gun show )

... lately though, seems like show prices have gotten way out of line, so I haven't bought anything at a show lately...

Spade Cooley

For the last few years the gun shows in my area have been a den of thieves. They mark prices so far out of line they are not even in the negotiation stage. The people bringing in guns to sell or trade seem to be the only hope. The buyer needs to beware.


New member
Absolutely, some of my best acquisitions occurred in the aisles by private individuals...BTW, I've sold that way also.
Probably the best two of many were a PPK .380 and a Sistema for $200 by private owners w/a table....
There are bargains out there....I rather purchase use there then on the Internet where you cannot personally inspect....:)
P.S. I normally do not purchase n.i.b.....


New member
I would and I have. They offer a great opportunity to take a good look at a number of guns. Generally have fair, not great, prices, but have a larger selection of used guns than the local shops.


New member
Eghad said " First do my homework and see what a fair market value for the gun before going to the gunshow. "

That's it! Just do your home work and know your prices. I've bought several things at gun shows. Happy w/ most of the purchases, got burned on a couple 'cause I didn't know my prices.


New member
Of course I would... where else am I gonna find a decent Ruger 10/22 (action great, stock was UGLY) for $65.00 for a buildup?

that same gun, from a local dealer (IF they have one used) woulda been $150.00 MINIMUM!

and where else am I gonna find a Dan Wesson .357 Pistol-Pak with 5 barrels for $300.00? NONE of these seem to come to local dealers...
Quite a few of my used guns have come from gunshows.

If you know what you're looking at, and what to look for, you wont' really go wrong.


New member
My primary reason for attending a gunshow is precisely to score nice USED firearms :)

Gunshows are target rich environments for finding your particular personal holy grail. Have a clear idea as to how much you are willing to pay for something you really want, learn how to examine weapons for condition (lots of threads here and other forums), and have fun haggling or trading. Carry cash. Even if you don't buy a firearm, it's fun to browse, expand your firearms education, and be able talk to like minded folks about their favorite hobby. HAVE FUN.

I'm reminded of the famous quote by bank robber Willy Sutton (when asked why he robbed banks): "Because that's where the money is..."


New member
Going to one Saturday. I am going looking for a certain gun. I know what one is worth. I know how to tell generally how much use it has seen. Buy if you find a deal.


New member
My son and I went to the gun show here last year. He bought a charles daley 1911, at a good price, from a guy walking around. My son sold the same gun 5 minutes later, to another guy walking around for $50 profit. So YES we go and we buy used guns.