Buy a gun this Sunday!


New member
What a cool message to send to this new anti gun crowd - but to see nationwide gun sales spike on the day of their march. We must show our respect for their cause :D


New member
Not quite...Texas CHL holders(which I have thank God) don't have to go through the background check. We can just pay our money and leave with our gun, no waiting. I think I'm going to buy two guns now just out of spite.

NRA Life Member
GSSF Member


New member
I'm buying two the moment the system is back up. There's 3 gunshows over the next two weekends. Hell, I think I'll buy three.

By the way, allow me to discuss the EXPLOSIVE temper and BOMBastic attitueds of people in my home town of CLINTON, TN. (Hi to all you folks at Echelon monitoring my e-mails illegally!)


New member
You might want to rename that TN town to something a little nicer.

Like Stalin or Iddie Amin (sp) :)



New member
And the lawful resident's of Iowa have a different system in place as well.
See, We have the Iowa Annual Permit to Acquire Pistols or Revolvers.

What this does is give the holder the ability to get a handgun without going through the red tape of NICS. Oh, it also is used by dealers to authorize long gun sales as well.
While this isn't a panacea for the ATF, and Fed gov intrusion into out rights, it has made this a little more bearable.

I have alreasdy sent letters to my Congress critters, and Senate holders as well. As well as the NRA, GOA, etc...

I can't buy a gun on Sunday anyway, my FFL is closed then. I spoke with him earlier in the day, and he wasn't even aware of the "computer problem". He was marking the transactions "referenced previous NICS sale to customer XYZ"
I'm considering going over and buying one, just to do it. My way of flipping them off, so to speak. I wanted to goto the MMM counter March in WDC, but other things came up at the last moment. I'm not happy about this development. Then the NICS thing came up. I'm getting mad enough to bite nails in two. But I don't want to ruin my manicure!!!

Seriously though. Every State should be independent of the Federal NICS system. This is a very serious problem were staring at here. And there 50 answers to it...

Best Regards,

The most foolish mistake we could make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms; history shows that all conquerers who have allowed their subjected people to carry arms have prepared their own fall.
Adolf Hitler

[This message has been edited by Donny (edited May 13, 2000).]


New member
It's interesting to note that the Feds have not prosectued the tens of thousands of attempted illegal gun purchases caught by NICS. They say it's the states responsibility, yet NICS is a Federal system. The perps are lying to the Federal Gov't. not the state. But the Feds sure take credit for the catching them part. Hmmmmm......


New member
Yep, I have a TX CHL, and I picked up a nice Kahr K9 today. The store was pretty empty, though. The MMM is tomorrow, and the NICS just happens to be down. Just a coincidence, I'm sure. Actually, I hope Clinton keeps on pushing the issue so all angry gun owners vote for Bush in November.


New member
In Indiana if you got a gun permit you can buy one without a bcakground check. I bought a glock 27 on wednesday in and out in 5 minutes. I LOVE living here!