But ossifer I've only had two.............


New member
you skinny guys had better ease up on the brewskis!

4, 5%ers for me over 2 hours is .03

4 for a 160 male pounder is .08

4 for a 120 pound female is .13


a 600 pound woman has a negative BAL of -.01

Gilbert! git yer mamma another beer!



Moderator Emeritus
That same 600 pound woman can drink a twelve-pack of 5% beer in half-an-hour and still not be legally drunk in some states.

Make's you wonder...

"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4 Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website


Staff Emeritus
I've lonely had tea martoonies and a bubble durban. I learize that some thinkle peep I'm under the alcofluence of inkohol. But I'm not as thunk as they drink I am. I just fool feelish, 'cause I doesn't know who is me, and the drunker I stand here the longer I get!

Oh. Cheese it! You're a cop.

Boo tears osifer. Juss boo tears.


New member
Interestipating indeed ossifer.

The math is bad. I entered two shots of 96 proof and the computations were based on 1.92 ounces of alcohol. Should have been .96 ounces.

Seemed to be a pretty flatlanderish selection of drinks. Uncle Enos's single malt out of the condenser pipe tests at around 150 proof on the first pass; tastes kindee like flaming peat bog. He used to double pass it for trips, then cut it when he wanted to use it. His double pass stuff made pretty good paint remover and stock stripper.
My beer seemed verra stout to folks used to Bud n stuff of that ilk. Usualy bottled at 12 to 14 percent depending on the toughness of the yeast.
Don't do dat no mo, only couple brain cells left and bein kind to em.

Sam........follow me, I know a shortcut.